Data replication output formats

Data replication uses the following output formats, although not all formats are available for all replication targets:

  • JSON - JSON is the required output format if you are replicating to the Infor Data Lake via batch ingestion. You can also use JSON if replicating via IMS..
  • XML - You can use the XML output format if you are replicating to IMS, FTP, or a local destination.
  • CSV - You can use the CSV output format if you are replicating to IMS, FTP, or a local destination.
  • Columnar - The columnar output format is for replicating data to a columnar table. Columnar tables are well suited for large volumes of data that change seldom or not at all. Some application list views are designed to take advantage of the rapid retrieval and aggregate operations columnar tables provide. For more information, see Columnar Tables.