Selecting schedule type

Use the Schedule tab to select general run options for an action. Options are:
  • Run Once: The action begins running immediately when you click Submit unless you configure a date and time on the First Time To Run in the Start / Stop tab
  • Basic: This option is for running an action every specific number of hours, minutes or seconds. The frequency is based on the last successful run. Basic is not intended to be used when you require a specific time and date for the action to run.
  • Hourly or Daily: This option enables you to build complexity into the schedule. For example, you can make selections to schedule a job to run "every day at 2am" or "every hour on weekdays." Select:
    • Weekdays: The job runs every Monday through Friday. Select the Hour, Minute, and Time Zone.
    • Weekend only: The job runs on Saturdays and Sundays. Select the Hour, Minute, and Time Zone.
    • Multiple: This option enables you to run the job multiple times during the week, for example, every Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday. Select each day that the job should run and, for each day, select Hour, Minute and Time Zone.
    • Sunday through Saturday: For jobs that run once per week, select the day of the week, the hour and minute to start, and the time zone.
    • Range: Use range options to select a range of days or hours over which an action should run. For more information about creating schedules that use ranges, see Configuring complex schedules: Examples.
  • Once or more per Week: This option enables you to configure complexity into a schedule, for example, "every other week on Tuesday" or "for six weeks starting on June 1." See Configuring complex schedules: Examples.
  • Once or more per Month: Use this option for a schedule that should run, for example, on the first or last day of the month. You can also use it to configure a complex monthly schedule. See Configuring complex schedules: Examples.
  • Advanced: The Advanced option enables you to combine features of all the options. See Configuring complex schedules: Examples.
  • Template: If a schedule template that meets your requirements exists, select it. For information about how to create a schedule template, see Creating Schedule Templates.

When you have finished configuring options on the Schedule tab, select Ok.