Managing replication sets

After you have defined, registered, and scheduled a replication set, you may find it necessary to perform various types of maintenance on the replication set.

Monitoring replication set activity

Through the Replication page in the Database section of the Administration Console you can monitor the status of your system's data replications, including which ones are currently processing, which ones are scheduled but not yet started, which ones have failed, and what the history is for completed replications.

Restarting a replication

If a replication fails, you can restart it by selecting the replication set on the Replication Sets form and clicking Replicate. The replication will begin at the point where it left off at the time of the failure.

Deleting a replication set

If you no longer need to replicate the data represented by a replication set, you can delete it. To do so, select the replication set on the Replication Sets form and click Delete. The deletion of a replication set does not affect any data that has already been replicated to the replication destination.

Modifying a replication set

You can modify an existing replication set in several ways, including by adding or removing business classes, by adding or removing fields from a business class that is part of the replication set, or by changing or adding conditions. If you change the definition of a replication set, you must register the schema again. The next replication will be a full replication, with the exception of when the only change is the addition of a user field or a business class field. In this case, the replication will be incremental.

Resetting a replication set

There are two reset options for replication sets. If you click the ellipsis button and select Reset, then the time stamp is cleared for this set and at the next replication a full set of data will be sent, not just updates. If you have defined the replication set with a value for the Maintain History Count, you can click the ellipsis button and select Reset to Previous Time. This will set the replication time stamp back to an earlier one.

Viewing replication set history

If you use the Save History feature for the queue or queue mapping that the replication set actions are running on, you can then view a history of the replication actions that have run.

If you save this history, be sure to occasionally purge this history. You can do this in two ways:

  • On the Queues form, you can select the Delete Finished Triggers in All Queues action.
  • On the Triggers form, you can use the Delete Finished Triggers action. Note that with this action you can choose to delete only a subset of the triggers, such as all triggers through a certain date or all triggers older than a specified number of days.