Creating Additional Queues

Use this procedure to create additional background processing queues. After creating additional queues, you can set up queue mapping in order to control which tasks and actions are processed by which queue.

In order to create new queues, you must have the JobQueueAccess_ST security class assigned to your role.

To create a queue

  1. In the Async Administrator, select Setup.
  2. On the Async Setup page, select the Queues tab and click Create.
  3. Use the following guidelines to enter field values.

    A name for the queue.


    A description of the queue.


    By default, the priority of queues is set by the alphabetical sort order of their names. To control the priority more precisely, specify a number from 1 to 9, with 1 indicating the highest priority.

    Max Active Actions/Work Units

    The maximum number of active actions or worker threads for the queue. This controls how many triggers can be processed concurrently by the queue. If a queue is used for both async actions and IPA work units, the setting for the Max Active Actions/Work Units field will not be shared between the two types of processing. For example, a setting of "2" will result in up to two async actions and two work units being processed concurrently (a total of four actions).


    Whether the queue is suspended. If a queue is suspended, the queue will not start the processing of any more triggers. Triggers that are already started will continue to be processed.

    System Queue

    Whether the queue is a system queue (one that is internal to the system, such as the E-mail queue).

    Queue Group

    Specify a queue group if you want to include the queue in a queue group in order to be able to suspend or resume the queue at the same time as other queues in the group and in order to control the maximum active actions for a group of queues.

    Group Suspended

    If the queue is a member of queue group, this field displays whether the queue group is currently suspended.

    Group Max Active Actions

    If the queue is a member of a queue group, this field displays the current maximum active actions value for the group.

    Tenant Max Work Units
    If the queue has IPA queue mappings set up for it, this display-only field will show the tenant setting for the maximum work units.
    Email Address
    Specify the email address of the person, for example, the system administrator, who should be notified about the status of items processed by this queue. This can be a different email address than any specified on a queue mapping or when scheduling an individual action request. You can also enter multiple emails, separated by commas.
    Notification Type
    The notification type to determine when to send an email to the person specified in the Email Address field: Never, Always, or On Failure. This can be a different notification type than any specified on a queue mapping or when scheduling an individual action request.
    Save History

    Whether you want to save the queue history. If you set this to True, triggers will not be deleted from the database when they have finished. No matter what setting you use here, triggers that are unsuccessfully processed will be saved.

    The default (and general recommendation) is to not save history since saving history leads to large numbers of accumulated finished triggers.

    Use Queue Name as Binding Key

    This can be used to isolate actions to a specific batch BLExecutor node. This can be useful as a debugging tool. If there is an action that is taking down a node, it can be isolated to a specific node for investigation without taking down batch processing for other actions. This requires that a grid binding be created for a batch BLExecutor node that specifies the Queue ID property (under Application Properties > Service Execution > Common Settings). The value must be the queue name.

  4. Click Save to save the queue definition. After you save the queue definition, you can set up queue mappings on the Queue form or on the Queue Mappings for Queue section of the Async Setup page.