
Adding background images to pages and composite forms

Use this sample code to add background images to context forms on pages and to composite forms.

On a page, use a direct <ImageName> or theme color. On a CompositeForm, you can also use a RelatedValue because a CompositeForm is always in the context of some business class instance. You can use a direct image name RelatedValue by adding image as a prefix to the <ImageName>.

The background image can include a span header to specify the foreground shade as dark or light. By default, the foreground is dark.

Only one panel can be displayed at any given time on a page and composite form. The panel must be a DashBoardPanel to show the background image across the entire page or composite form.

<PageName> is a Page
[background is (<ImageName> | theme color)]
[span header]
[foreground is (dark | light)] // default is dark
[Context Form]
[background is (<ImageName> | theme color)]
[span header]
[foreground is (dark | light)] // default is dark
<PanelName> is a DashBoardPanel …
[background is (<ImageName> | theme color)]

CompositeFormDefinition ::=
<FormName> is a (CompositeForm | WizardForm)
[background is (<RelatedValue> | theme color)] // RelatedValue must be an image
[span header]
[foreground is (dark | light)] // default is dark
[context form is <FormName>]
[background is (<RelatedValue> | theme color)] // RelatedValue must be an image
[span header]
[foreground is (dark | light)] // default is dark
[implements DashBoardView]
[background is (<RelatedValue> | theme color)] // RelatedValue must be an image

CompositeFormPanel ::=
<PanelName> is a DashBoardPanel…
[background is (<RelatedValue> | theme color)] // RelatedValue must be an image