Adding a security question

  1. Access Administrative Console or Infor Rich Client or Web UI, navigate to Security System Management > Security Policies > Security Questions. On the Security Questions List, select Actions > Create, and create a record using the fields described below.
    Field Names Description

    The name of the service that the question is assigned to. This is the service that users of the product will authenticate against when they log in.

    For example:

    SourcingSupplier (dataarea.Procurement.SourcingSupplier)




    Yes (True, or 1) or select the check box in the Infor Rich Client or Web UI

    – or –

    No (False, or 0).

    This field indicates that a security question is enabled, or required, for the service.

    Question Text Enter the text of the question, enclosed in quotation marks.
    Response Type Leave blank or enter Text.
  2. Save the question. Repeat steps 1-2 for each question you want to add.