To schedule the suspension or resumption of a queue

  1. In the Async Administrator, select Setup.
  2. On the Async Setup page, select the Queues tab.
  3. If you want to suspend or resume a queue immediately, select the queue, click the ellipsis button and then select Suspend or Resume.
  4. If you want to schedule the suspending or resuming of a queue, click the ellipsis button and then select Suspend Queue or Resume Queue.
  5. Select the queue to suspend or resume and then click Schedule.
  6. Create the schedule entry. Use the following guidelines to enter field values.
    Scheduled Action Name

    A name for the schedule entry.

    Email Address

    An e-mail address to use for notification after the queue has been suspended or resumed.

    Notification Type

    The notification type to determine when to send an e-mail (Never, Always, or On Failure).

    Schedule Type

    How to schedule the suspension or resumption of the queue, such as Run Once, By Frequency, By Date, By Week Day, By Week Number, or Advance Schedule. If you select anything but Run Once, an additional form will appear when you click Next after finishing the Schedule Entry form.

    First Time to Run

    When to perform the suspension or resumption of the queue. Blank means as soon as possible.

    Run Action Concurrently

    Whether the queue suspension or resumption can run concurrently. If you select No Concurrency, then at most one execution event (trigger) can be processed at any given time from the request. (This is only relevant if the request is scheduled repeatedly.)

  7. Configure the strategy to use when failures occur. Specify this information:
    What to do in the case of a failure or misfire. A misfire is when a background action fails to run on time. The available options are:
    • Do Nothing: The request will be ignored.
    • Run Once: Only one of the missed events, there may be several if scheduled, will be run.
    • Run All Processes Scheduled: All of the missed events (there may be several if scheduled) will be run.
    Report Options
    What reporting to do in the event of a failure. Valid entries are No Report and Report All Processes. The reports created are AsyncActionMisfire records.
    Threshold Minutes
    In the event that the queue suspension or resumption does not occur, the number of minutes after the scheduled execution time before it is considered a failure.
    Number of Retries
    The number of times to retry an individual execution of the background action in the event of a failure. Automatic retries of an execution instance only occur under the specific case of a record being changed out from under the execution, that is, a looked up record has become stale or modified before this process attempts to change it.
    Continue On Failure to Run
    Whether to continue processing after a failure. If false and a misfire occurs, the background action is considered complete and no future executions will be scheduled.
  8. Click Next, and then click Finish and click OK.