Process Automation

Do not fail work item actions when Common Inbox user list is not in sync

When Common Inbox has been enabled for the tenant and the work item user list has been modified in inbasket, a user sometimes will not be able to take action on a work item in the IPA inbasket:
  • A proxy user assigned to the work item who attempts to act through the inbox
  • When a user takes action on a work item through the inbasket after making changes to the user task list or filter category list on the work item
  • An IPA administrator trying to take action on a work item shown in the work unit list (not inbasket)

The Common Inbox error message is NOT PART OF DISTRIBUTION.

Send a Cancel message to the Common Inbox rather than a Complete message to not fail in these cases. By doing this, Common Inbox can be enabled and users can still take action on items in the inbasket as they already do even if work item user lists are not in sync with it.

Writing a large work unit log has been optimized

When a work unit writes to the work unit log, IPA now truncates the work unit log if the write would exceed 500 MB, and then writes to the work unit log as normal.