Configuring the Hover Info panel

When you hover the cursor over a node or connection in the designer window, a pop up panel displays the node description and issues.

By default, the Hover Info feature is off until it is enabled in Preferences.

To configure the Info Panel:

  1. Click Window > Preferences.
  2. In the Preferences menu, click Infor Process Designer > Editor > Hover Info.
  3. Select Enable hover info.
  4. You can also configure other panel behavior, such as:
    • whether or not to use hover or <Ctrl> key + hover to display the panel

    • whether to initially display the primary info (node description as set in the node property) or alternate info (node issues, if they exist)

    • transparency of the panel

  5. Click OK to apply changes.

    Use the <Shift> key to switch between the node description on the primary panel and issues on the alternate panel. If you select to display the panel by using <Ctrl> + hover, then you will use <Ctrl> + <Shift> + hover to switch between description and issue information.