Available buttons

The following table describes the use of buttons that are activated for the JSON Parser node.

Button What it does

Deletes one or more variables. Deletes just the variable that has been define/selected, not the key.

Any key can be selected to delete and Ctrl or Shift can be used to select multiple keys. Keys from different JSONObject or JSONArray also can be selected if the JSON text is nested.

Delete All Deletes the entire variable for the key.
Expand Expands one or more JSONObjects or JSONArrays including any child objects or arrays if they exist.
Expand All Expands all JSONObjects and JSONArrays in the entire JSON text.
Collapse Collapses one or more JSONObjects or JSONArrays including any child objects or arrays if they exist.
Collapse All Collapses all the JSONObjects and JSONArrays in the Builder.
Export Variables Exports all values for a field into a CSV or XLS file so that it can interact with other nodes in a process.