ION common inbox for IPA user actions

If you have Infor OS version 12 or later, you can enable the common inbox to send all user actions to the common inbox in Ming.le. You can also configure user actions to be sent to both the common inbox and the IPA Inbasket. We recommend that you use the common inbox when it is enabled.

When the IPA user action flow runs, it will get the user list through this process:

  1. Resolve all the tasks list assigned to that user action node
  2. Apply the user category filtering, if applicable, and generate the final list of individual users
  3. Get the corresponding GUID for these users
  4. Send the user action with the list of users GUID to the Ming.le inbox

An IPA user action is called a task on the Ming.le side. All the tasks are displayed in the inbox and organized by date. When you click the task, it will communicate with IPA and load the actual Landmark application form in the common inbox. This form is the same form that is displayed in the IPA Inbasket. You can edit the form and save it before taking actions.

After the action is taken, the IPA workunit will continue with the flow and IPA will communicate back to Ming.le to remove the task from the inbox screen. The inbox will then load the next available task in the screen.

Taking actions through email is supported if the user is part of the initial user distribution list.

Canceling the workunit will remove the corresponding task from the common inbox.