Configuring a connection to Infor Ming.le

Before you configure a connection between the Social node and Infor Ming.le, you must request Ming.le connection information from Ming.le administrators.

  1. Create a configuration variable called socialActor under Properties in the "system" configuration set.
    See Defining a configuration variable.

    The socialActor should have a corresponding Ming.le user and the Landmark identity for this actor should have the Ming.le user's identity, which is the IFS person ID.

    The role of the Ming.le user should be Mingle Enterprise.

  2. Configure a Ming.le service URL, consumer key, and secret key.
    1. Access Process Server Administrator and select Configuration > Mingle > Mingle Service Configuration.
    2. Click Create.
    3. Specify this information:
      Service Endpoint Url
      Specify the Ming.le service URL.
      Consumer Key
      Specify the OAuth 1.0 consumer key.
      Secret Key
      Specify the OAuth 1.0 secret key.
    4. Click Save.