Generating the new data "snapshot"

This section explains how to generate the data set that you can then export to another tool.

The Generate Report Data feature requires you to specify start and end dates for the data set. Be sure to supply dates that are in the past. Also, be sure to specify a timeframe that will not result in an unmanageably large data set.

To generate the new data set, follow these steps:

  1. Access the Process Server Administrator and select Reporting.
  2. To generate process data, select Process Reporting > Generate Process Report Data

    To generate task data, select Task Reporting > Generate Task Report Data.

    Generate report data form (Task Report Data form shown)
  3. The Process and Originator fields are optional. You can use them to:
    • Limit the data set to include only a specific process. In the case of a Task report, this would mean the data set would be limited to the tasks associated with a particular process.

    • Limit the data set to only the Actor who originated the process or task.


      You can specify an Originator even if you leave Process blank.

    If you leave one of these fields blank, all process or task data from within the timeframe will be generated.

  4. Click OK when you are finished making specifications.

    The data snapshot is created in one of the following business classes:

    • PfiProcessReport: For process data

    • PfiTaskReport: For task data

Exporting the generated data to a CSV file

Before you perform this procedure, you must have generated report data (previous procedure).

  1. Access the Process Server Administrator and select Reporting > Process Reporting > Process Report List (or Task Reporting > Task Report List).

  2. From the Report List form, select Options > Export to CSV.

    The data will appear on your screen and will also be saved to a file in your temporary file location (as specified by your operating system) with the name ExportToExcel[#].csv (where "[#]" is generated by the system).

    The data will open in whatever program is configured to handle .csv files on your system, typically, Microsoft Excel, and you can view and manipulate it per your needs.