Creating Watches

Watches allow you to keep a rolling history of data in Infor Landmark Technology Runtime. The data collected in Watches may be shown in charts and can be added to the home screen as a widget. Alerts inspect application data at predefined checkpoints and alert you if a condition has been triggered.

Watches can be created for most reports and data lists in Infor Landmark Technology Runtime.

  1. Open the report or data list that you want to add a Watch to.

    If you know the business class and form you want, you can also create a watch by right-clicking the canvas and selecting Create > Watch.

  2. Select Options > Create Watch.
  3. On the Create a Watch window, select your settings as follows:
    Enable Watch

    Select this checkbox to enable the Watch.

    Business Class

    If you created the Watch directly from the canvas, type or select the business class to create a Watch for.

    List Name

    If you created the Watch directly from the canvas, select the list name from the specified business class to create a Watch for.

    Watch Selected Records

    If you created the Watch from an open report or data list, select this checkbox to run the Watch against only the selected records. Clear the checkbox to run the Watch against all records.

    Watch Name

    Required. Type a name for the Watch.


    Type a description for the Watch.

  4. Click Next.
  5. Select the fields to monitor from the available fields list. These field values are collected in the rolling history of data and used to build charts of the history of Watch data.
    • To add fields to the Selected Fields list, click Add Fields.

    • To remove fields from the Selected Fields list, select the field or fields and click Remove.


    You can select a maximum of 15 fields to monitor for a Watch.

  6. Click Next.
  7. Schedule when your watch collects data.
    Run Frequency

    Select how often to run the Watch: Run Once, Run Daily, Run Weekly, or Run Monthly.

    Run Date/Start Date

    Select the date to start running the Watch.

    Run Time

    Select the time to run the Watch.

    Run Every

    For weekly or monthly Watches, select the day of the week or month to run the Watch.

    History Points to Display

    For daily, weekly, or monthly Watches, type the number or previous history points to display for the Watch.

    Stop After Number of Days/Weeks/Months

    Select this checkbox to stop the scheduled Watch after a specific amount of days, weeks, or months.


    If you do not stop a Watch that runs often, it can negatively impact the performance of your sever.


    If you selected the checkbox to stop the Watch after a specific amount of time, type the number of days, weeks, or months to stop the Watch after.

    Stop if Alert is Triggered

    Select this checkbox to stop the scheduled Watch if an Alert is triggered.

  8. Click Next.
  9. To set up an Alert for the Watch, select your settings as follows:
    Enable Alert

    Select this checkbox to enable an Alert for the Watch.

    Trigger Message

    Type a message to be sent for the Alert when the alert condition is triggered.

    Alert Condition

    Click the Builder button to select fields and options for the condition. Information about constructing a condition is in the Condition Builder Tips section. See Defining filter criteria using Condition Builder.

    Send to Email

    Select this checkbox to send an email when the Alert is triggered.

    Send Notification

    Select this checkbox to receive an inbox notification in Infor Landmark Technology Runtime when the Alert is triggered.

  10. Click Next.
  11. To display the Watch in a chart, select the Enable Chart checkbox. Select which type of chart to display the Watch: Line, Pie, Bar, Bubble, or Gap. Select your settings as follows:
    • Line Chart


      Click the Builder button to select one or more fields from the selected fields for the Watch.


      Select the applicable field from the selected fields to display on the Y-axis of the line chart.

    • Pie Chart


      Click the Builder button to select one or more fields from the selected fields for the Watch.


      Select the applicable field from the selected fields to display as the masure for the pie chart.

    • Bar Chart


      Click the Builder button to select one or more fields from the selected fields for the Watch to display on the X-axis of the bar chart.


      Select one or more applicable fields from the selected fields for the Watch to display on the Y-axis of the bar chart.

    • Bubble Chart


      Click the Builder button to select one or more fields from the selected fields for the Watch.

      Point Size

      Select the applicable field from the selected fields to display as the basis of point size for the bubble chart.


      Select one or more applicable fields from the selected fields for the Watch to display on the X-axis of the bubble chart.


      Select one or more applicable fields from the selected fields for the Watch to display on the Y-axis of the bubble chart.

    • Gap


      Click the Builder button to select one or more fields from the selected fields for the Watch.


      The measure of the selected entity to display the gap chart for.

  12. Click Finish. The Watch is displayed as a widget on your canvas.

    To maintain your Watch after it is created, click the refresh icon on the Watch widget to refresh the data. Double-click the widget to edit the Watch data.