
Display length of data entered in a field

Use this LPL code to determine the number of characters entered in a field.

Create a transient field:

Transient Fields

	ZZZGetFieldLength is Numeric size 2
		Default label is untranslatable:”Get field length”

Then create a form configuration and set the value of the transient field = to <user input field> size. In this example, it’s RequisitionDescription. In order to visually display the output, I’m using the when value changed to automatically update the value to the transient field that has been added to a form. Note that if you don’t want to display the field on the form, but want to use the when value changed for another purpose in your code, make the field hidden

	when value changed
		ZZZGetFieldLength  = RequisitionDescription size

Restrict spaces entered in a field

Use this example to restrict spaces from getting entered into a field.

First, create a derived user field to be used in a subscript.

Transient Fields
        ZZZSubscript is Numeric size 2

Then, use an action configuration with an entrance rule to loop through the values entered by the user.

Vendor.ZZZSubscript = Vendor.Reference1 size

while (Vendor.ZZZSubscript >  blank)
    constraint (Vendor.Reference1[Vendor.ZZZSubscript] entered)
    Vendor.ZZZSubscript -= 1

Increasing the size of a text field

email from Andrew on 3/16

use text area of n lines
   use text area of 10 lines

Ensure a field is entered

If you need to ensure a field is entered, you can create an action configuration and use LPL to create an entrance rule. This is typically done with an update or create action. This is an entrance rule that ensures the Reference1 field is populated if a Vendor record is active.

if (Vendor.VendorStatus.Active)
    constraint (Vendor.Reference1 entered)

Return first three characters of a field

Example to create a derived user field to return the first three characters of a field.

Derived Fields
	ZZZThreeChar is a DerivedField
		type is Alpha size 3
		default label is untranslatable:”Display first three characters”
		return Reference1[0:3]