Load the AD FS signing certificate using ssoconfig

Using the ssoconfig menu, load the signing certificate you created for AD FS into Infor Security.

Before performing this procedure you must have:

  • Created the signing certificate on the AD FS server.

  • Transferred the certificate to the LSF server (using copy or FTP processes).

  1. From the main menu of ssoconfig, choose Manage WS Federation Settings->Manage WS Federation Certificate.
  2. From the sub-menu, select "Manage Certificate".
  3. From the next sub-menu, select "Import IdP certificate".
  4. At the prompt, type the name of the IdP service, for example, ADFS
  5. At the prompt, type the path of the certificate.

    The system assumes that the certificate is located in the current folder so supply path information as needed.

    Example 1: Certificate is in the location from which you are running ssoconfig (current location)


    Example 2: Certificate is in a different location on the server


    When you are finished importing the certificate, you can exit the ssoconfig utility.