Running the Landmark user BOD setup script

For Landmark installations, configuration parameters for BODs are set up through a script. The script requests information about the IOBox that has been setup for user BODs and uses the information to populate Landmark ConfigurationParameters. Data from the script is saved to LASYSDIR/install.cfg

  1. From command line on the Landmark server, specify perl
  2. At the prompt, do you want to configure ION, specify Y for Yes.
  3. At the next prompt, select the type of database the IOBox has been set up on. Supported options at the time this document was published:
    • SQL Server
  4. For ION Connection type, select DB (Database Properties) or JDBC.
    1. If you choose DB, you are prompted for:
      • Hostname or IP address for accessing the IOBox
      • ION database port numberr
      • IOBox listening port
      • ION database port name
    2. If you choose JDBC, you are prompted for:
      • Full JDBC URL for connecting to the IOBox
      • JDBC classpath
  5. Specify the schema name for the IOBox.
  6. Specify the user name to connect to the IOBox.
  7. For credentials type, select UserID/Password. You are prompted for the user ID and password. Passwords are stored encrypted.
    Note: If Service appears as an option, do not select it.
  8. For Provide the From Logical ID, use this: lid://infor.landmark.instance
  9. For Max Retries, specify the number of times you want ION to continue trying to communicate with the IOBox before reporting an error. The default is 10.