Display tab

The Display tab has these tabs:

  • General

  • Desktop

  • Tablet

  • Phone

  • ION

Display General tab

You can use this tab under the Display tab to configure general properties.


For the "main" configuration, you can override the URL that is used by Display Execs if needed.

See the Infor Process Automation Administration Guide.

This table shows the fields that are available in this tab:

Field Description
Work Title The title that is displayed in the Inbasket for this work item.
Application filter (AppsKey) The triggering application can pass this field which can then be sorted and searched in Inbasket.
Application data (AppsValue) The triggering application can pass this field which can then be sorted and searched in Inbasket.
Exec list The Command field on the Action portion of the General tab.
Hide actions Select this option to hide actions in the Inbasket. For example, you are sending users to a URL, you can select this option to hide the action buttons in the Inbasket.

Display Desktop tab

You can use this tab under the Display tab to configure display settings for desktops.

Display Type describes the type of work that is displayed in the Inbasket for this User Action. This table shows the available display types:

Display type Description
Action request This is an action for a user to take, for example, an approval button.
Content Create custom content here. You can specify your content in the text box or click Import to copy existing content.
File Users will receive a file when they open this item.
HTML Users will receive a file that is created in HTML when they open this item.
HTML Content Create custom content in HTML format. You can specify your content in the text box or click Import to copy existing content.
ISO Display Content Create custom content in a format compatible with Infor Smart Office (ISO). You can specify your content in the text box or click Import to copy existing content.
ISO Display File Users will receive a file that is in a format compatible with ISO when they open this item.
Infor Lawson Custom Form Users will be taken to a custom form that is created for Infor Lawson when they open this item in their Inbasket.
Infor Lawson URL Users will be taken to an Infor Lawson URL when they open this item.
Infor Lawson application Users will be taken to an Infor Lawson application when they open this item in their Inbasket.
Infor M3 URL Users will be taken to an Infor M3 URL when they open this item.
Infor M3 application Users will be taken to an Infor M3 application when they open this item in their Inbasket.
Landmark URL Users will be taken to a Landmark URL when they open this item.
Landmark application Users will be taken to a Landmark application when they open this item in their Inbasket.
None Use the default Inbasket display.
Process default Use the default as specified in the process.
URL Users will be taken to a standard URL, either internal or external, when they open this item.

For Display types of Infor Lawson URL and Infor Lawson application, if the URL that the User Action node should use is different from the URL used by the Infor Lawson Query node, you can specify a different Web root for the configuration. For example, the server is the same, but the URL is different because of your security setup.

See the Infor Process Automation Administration Guide for more information.

Display Tablet tab

You can use this tab under the Display tab to configure display settings for tablets.

Display Type describes the type of work that is displayed in the Inbasket for this User Action. This table shows the available display types:

Display type Description
None This display type is the default. The display will be the default Inbasket display.
Action request This is an action for a user to take, for example, an approval button.
Content Create custom content here. You can specify your content in the text box or click Import to copy existing content.
File Users will receive a file when they open this item.
Landmark URL Users will be taken to a Landmark URL when they open this item.
Landmark application Users will be taken to a Landmark application when they open this item in their Inbasket.
Process default Use the default as specified in the process.
URL Users will be taken to a standard URL, either internal or external, when they open this item.

Display Phone tab

You can use this tab under the Display tab to configure display settings for phones.

Display Type describes the type of work that is displayed in the Inbasket for this User Action. This table shows the available display types:

Display type Description
None This display type is the default. The display will be the default Inbasket display.
Action request This is an action for a user to take, for example, an approval button.
Content Create custom content here. You can specify your content in the text box or click Import to copy existing content.
File Users will receive a file when they open this item.
Landmark URL Users will be taken to a Landmark URL when they open this item.
Landmark application Users will be taken to a Landmark application when they open this item in their Inbasket.
Process default Use the default as specified in the process.
URL Users will be taken to a standard URL, either internal or external, when they open this item.

Display ION tab

The ION tab on the Display tab in the User Action node can be used to send the User Action task to . To use this feature, you must first fulfill these requirements:

  • Set up an ION connection in the configuration that you will use for the node. In this connection, ensure that the ION Pulse Integration is enabled.

    See "ION Connection" in the Infor Process Automation Administration Guide.

  • Configure an ION channel and receiver.

    See "Configuring an ION channel and receiver" in the Infor Process Automation Administration Guide.

This table shows the available options on the ION tab:

Field Description
Description Specify the description string of the User Action task. This will be displayed in . Empty description will be sent as (blank).
Display content

This would be considered as parameters in . This can be built using builder in the designer or can be imported, and must be in this XML format:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<PulseTask xmlns="http://schema.infor.com/InforOAGIS/2">

More than one parameter can be created in a single User Action task. The blank display content will be sent as default parameters XML.

When you click the Build button, the ION Pulse Task Parameters Builder is displayed. Building task parameters is similar to building ION notification parameters.

See Creating notification parameters.

Include Application Related Link(s): If this check box is selected, all the application-related URLs in the workunit will be sent to as an "APP URL" parameter as part of the display content parameters.