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Infor Process Designer basics
Infor Process Automation overview
Managing user log-in connections with Infor Process Designer
The Designer log-in process
Saving a log-in connection
Accessing a saved log-in connection
Log-in URL restriction for multi-tenant customers
IPD version check
Creating a simple process
Simple single-level approval process
A more complex example
Other functionality that can be added
Supported characters in process names
Copying and pasting nodes in Infor Process Designer
Process Indicator
Creating or modifying a process to generate milestones
Configuring milestone labels dynamically in User Action nodes
Enabling checkpoint on a node
Infor Process Automation examples
The Infor Process Designer interface
Main Designer window
Open Perspective
Tools menu
Uploading a process file
Configuring email properties for ProcessFlow Solutions sample flows
Using variables with Infor Process Designer
What is a variable?
Types of variables
Using queries to locate variables
Global variables in IPA
Defining a configuration variable
Creating JavaScript expressions using the Variable Expression Builder tool
Using variable expressions with the Start and Assign nodes
Declaring variables for the Start node
Using existing variables in an expression for the Assign node
Creating conditional expressions with the Branch node
Creating a checkpoint in an Assign node
Functions for formatting numeric data
JavaScript functions
Log buffer statements
Encoding special characters for use with Infor Process Automation
Calling lookup data in processes using the Infor Process Automation xref feature
Create the xref table: administrator task
Execution variables
Create a process that includes a JavaScript call to the xref lookup table: developer task
Translated messages in a process
Iso Locale
Translation calls within a process
Translation functions
Viewing the locale of an actor
Translating a phrase
Calling email body translations in a process
Configuring the Hover Info panel
Configuring the Infor Process Designer screen timeout
Control activity nodes
The Assign activity node
The Branch activity node
Configuring the Branch node
The Custom Activity node
Configuring the Custom Activity node
The Return activity node
The SubProcess activity node
Defining a subprocess
Configuring the SubProcess node
Subprocess restrictions
The System Command activity node
Server configuration parameters
Configuring the System Command node
Execution mode details
Output variables
The Wait activity node
How the Wait node works
Configuring the Wait node
Administering Wait node workunits (using IPA)
The Trigger activity node
Configuring the Trigger node
Data activity nodes
The Data Iterator activity node
Configuring the Data Iterator node
Output variables
The Data Transformation activity node
The Encrypt activity node and the Decrypt activity node
Generating the PGP key pair
Configuring the Encrypt node
Configuring the Decrypt node
The File Access activity node
Configuring the File Access node
Adding a line separator to the file
Output variables
The For Each activity node
Configuring the For Each node
The FTP activity node
Configuring the FTP node
Specifying files and folders
The IDM activity node
Infor Document Management node usage
Configuring the IDM activity node
Downloading the .ionapi file
The LDAP Query activity node
Configuring the LDAP Query node
Process flow variables
The Msg Builder activity node
The SQL Query activity node
Specifying connection information
Adding an SQL statement
Adding an SQL procedure
Output variables available to all SQL Query nodes
The SQL Transaction activity node
The Data Exchange activity node
Carrier definitions
Sending data
Sending Infor Finance EDI work files
Receiving and reading data
Receiving and reading Infor Finance EDI work files
Output variables
User Interaction activity nodes
The User Action activity node
Actions, tasks, and users
General tab
Proceed tab
Time out tab
Notify tab
Display tab
Reminders tab
Milestone tab
Variables for accessing data about actions taken by users
The HRTM User Action activity node
General tab
Proceed tab
Time out tab
Notify tab
Display tab
Reminders tab
Milestone tab
Adding action buttons directly in email of users
Configuring Email Actions in the activity node
Configuring email headers
Notification activity nodes
The Email activity node
Email node use (examples)
Configuring the Email node
The SMS activity node
Setting up a Twilio account
Configuring your Twilio account in IPA
Configuring the SMS node
Queue activity nodes
The Infor Cloverleaf activity node
Configuring the Infor Cloverleaf node
The JMS activity node
Configuring the JMS node
The WebSphere MQ activity node
Configuring the WebSphere MQ node
Output variables
Web/XML/JSON activity nodes
The JSON Builder activity node
The JSON Parser activity node
Configuring input and output
JSON Parser fields
Available buttons
Output variables
The JSON Converter activity node
Configuring the JSON Converter node
Output variable
The XML activity node
What is the XML activity node?
What can you do with the XML activity node?
Knowledge prerequisites
General tab
Example of building an XML
Example of parsing an XML data
Example of extracting XML parsed data elements using the Assign node
On Error tab
The Web Run activity node
Web Run node use (example)
Configuring the Web Run node
The Web Service activity node
What Is the Web Service node?
Knowledge prerequisites
Accessing the Web Service node
Web Service node properties dialog box
Considerations when designing processes that make Web Service calls
Infor Lawson activity nodes
The Landmark Admin activity node
Configuring the Landmark Admin node
Configuring dbexport options
Adding a JavaScript function to create a map from CSV data
Configuring dbimport options
The Landmark Transaction activity node
Configuring the Landmark Transaction node
Creating a query using the Landmark Transaction Builder
Configuring the Landmark web service calls option for Landmark transaction query
Specifying filter queries
Streaming binary data to file storage
As Of and Effective Dates
Page size parameter
Output variables
The Infor Lawson Query activity node
Configuring the Infor Lawson Query node
Creating a query using the Infor Lawson Process Query Builder
Output variables
The Infor Lawson Transaction activity node
The Infor Lawson Form Transaction activity node
Configuring the Form Transaction "start" node
Configuring the Form Transaction "end" node
The Infor Lawson Adapter activity node
The Resource Query activity node
Configuring the Resource Query node
Creating a query using the Infor Lawson Resource Query Builder
Output variables
The Resource Update activity node
Configuring the Resource Update node
Adding a resource
Updating a resource
Deleting a resource
Return variables
Infor M3 activity nodes
The Event Hub Publisher activity node
The Infor M3 Transaction activity node
Infor M3 Transaction node use (example)
Configuring the Infor M3 Transaction node
Creating a query using the Infor M3 Program Query Wizard
Output variables
ION activity nodes
The ION Outbox activity node
The Inbox Query and Inbox Update activity nodes
Configuring the Inbox Query node
Configuring the Inbox Update node
The ION Notification and ION Alert activity nodes
Configuring the ION Alert node
Creating an alert detail
Configuring the ION Notification node
Creating notification parameters
Creating custom triggers
Creating a custom java trigger API for Infor Process Automation
Creating a custom trigger for Infor Process Automation using LPL
Best practices
Enabling a flow to be restarted from the beginning
Enabling auto-restart on auto-restartable flows
General requirements and considerations
Recommendation by category
Troubleshooting tools
The Infor Process Designer Debugger feature
Types of breakpoints
Process execution controls
Run process
Runtime variable examination and modification
The Infor Process Designer My Workunits feature
Enabling and disabling breakpoints in Infor Process Designer
Using the properties view
Using the graphical editor
Using the breakpoint view
Configuring error handling and the error connector in Infor Process Designer
Configuring error handling
Notifying that errors have occurred
Custom logging of errors
Setting a status for a process through the End node
Process performance
Use less nodes
Maximize the use of JavaScript
Remove repetitive file writes
Keep SQL variables private
Adjust query page size
Maximize other tools when extracting from a database to a file
Use other data extraction methods when moving data from LSF to IPA interface
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