Overview of channel/receiver communication with Infor Process Automation

In Infor Process Automation, channels provide a means of one-way communication between Infor Process Automation and external sources. Different types of channels in Infor Process Automation support reception of information from different types of sources.

Channel implementation is based on defining a channel and one or more receivers under a channel. Each channel represents a link to a single outside source of messages or other content. Information and parameters on the channel, any software runtime connections, and the single outside source of content associated with a channel are shared by all receivers under that channel, but each receiver can differ in terms of what messages or content are accepted for processing by the receiver and how that material is handled.

Illustration: Channel with multiple receivers

These types of communication are supported:

  • Java Message Service (JMS): Infor Process Automation uses a subset of the protocol to receive messages only, not send.

    There are numerous ways in which a JMS channel could be used. For example, you could set up a channel to receive pricing updates from vendors. When updates are received, a process to determine whether the product should be ordered launches.

  • File: Messages that are sent to a file and saved to disk can also be used to trigger workunits.

    Customers might use a file channel to collect payroll deductions that come in from a third-party payroll processing company. Another application would be used as a holding location for transactions that should be posted to GL.

The channel/receiver administration tool is delivered with Infor Process Automation components and menus which are accessible through the Process Server Administrator.