Translating a phrase

IPA administrators must use Infor Rich Client to configure phrase translations. These translation configurations are used when developers call translations in their process flows.

  1. Access Infor Rich Client, then sign in to the application data area.
  2. Access Process Server Administrator and select Configuration > Translation.
  3. Create a translation record, which is considered the parent record for the translated phrases.
    1. On the Translation Form page, select Actions > Create.
    2. Specify this information:
      Specify a name for the translation record.
      Provide a description for the translation.
      • The description is not the content or phrase to be translated.
      • If you do not configure a translated phrase or leave the Translated field blank, the description will be used as the translated phrase.
    3. Select Actions > Save.
  4. Create a translated phrase for each locale as desired.
    1. Click the Globe icon.
    2. On the Translations for Description tab, select Actions > Create.
    3. Specify this information:
      Iso Locale
      Select a locale or language for the translation.

      See Iso Locale.

      Specify the translated phrase for the selected locale described in the Description field.
    4. Select Actions > Save.