Workunit information for BODs

This section describes workunit attributes and available variables for BODs. It also provides status codes for processing.

ION Inbox workunit example (with attributes circled)

Workunit attributes

The workunit created to process the Inbox record contains the attributes described in the following table.

Workunit attribute Information represented
Parent Workunit Applies to batch BODs only. The workunit of the first batch part.
Work Title

Made up of the following pieces of information:

BODType / ToLogicalId / InboxId / MessageId / BatchID / BatchSequence

Apps Key InboxID
Apps Value MessageID
Source Type IONChannel
Source BODType and ToLogicalID in the format: BODType:ToLogicalId

ION-related workunit variables

The following workunit variables are available:

ION workunit variables Type
InboxId string
TenantID string
MsgPriorty integer
CreateDateTime date / time
FromLogicalId string
ToLogicalId string
BODType string
MessageId string
HdrTenantId string
BODId string
VariationId string
ObjectId string
DocumentId string
AccountingEntity string
LocationId string
RevisionId string
TargetLogicalId string
CurrentRetry integer
TotalRetry integer
IsBatch Boolean
BatchId string
BatchNum integer
BatchSeqence integer
BatchSize integer
BatchRevision integer

status codes

The C_WAS_PROCESSED field of the ION table COR_INBOX_ENTRY is updated by the ION receiver to indicate the processing status:

0 Unprocessed
1 Non-batch process, processed successfully
10 Processed - Older VariationId Skipped
-1 Non-batch process, failed
-1` Failed - Lower VariationId Out-Of-Sequence
101 Batch part processed successfully
102 Batch part aborted
103 Batch part revised
-101 Batch part process failed
-102 Batch part skipped, due to error in another batch part
-103 Batch part skipped, due to batch number lower than current batch number