Reassigning inbox tasks

After a task is created on the inbox side for user action, new users for a user action cannot be added on the IPA side.

A one-time document flow setup is required so you can add new users for a user action from the ION side. See Configuring inbox for IPA.

To assign new users or to remove existing users on any specific user action, follow these steps:

  1. Select Process Server Administrator > Work Units and open the work unit which requires reassignment.
  2. On the User Actions tab, open the most recent activity and get the Id value.
  3. On the ION side, select ION Desk > Monitors & Workflows and open the Activities page.
  4. Select the Search by ID option and specify the Id value.
  5. Click Search.
  6. Open the task and on the Distribute List tab, select the Redistribute option.
  7. Click the Add button to add a new user, or the Remove button to remove an existing user.
    Note: Whenever you add a new user, always specify the user since group adding is not yet supported.
  8. Click Apply.
    The task immediately appears on the user's inbox. Sometimes it may take a few minutes for IPA to synchronize the changes. The user may get an error until synchronization is completed. The error is only temporary.
    Once synchronization is completed on the IPA side, the newly added user can now open the task in their inbox.