Proxy session claim
Users with different roles have different access to modules and data. When a user assigns a task to another user, the proxy user must have access to the same modules and data the proxied user has to accomplish the task.
See Security access needed for Infor Process Automation users
You can use a proxy session claim to give users access to modules and business classes to which they otherwise would not have access. Each access is granted for that one particular work item only. A proxy session claim is set when these conditions are true:
- A work unit is routed to a proxy user’s IPA Inbasket through IPA Proxy.
- The user action is an Action Request.
- The proxy user is using the Web UI.
This session claim is set immediately before the proxy user tries to open the work item:
You can customize security classes to reference this session claim. For example:
hr Module
is accessible
for all actions
when (session.claim.ipaproxy="true")
WorkAssignment BusinessClass
is accessible
for all actions
when (session.claim.ipaproxy="true")
For more information on configuring security classes, see Infor Landmark Technology User Setup and Security or Configuration Console User Guide.