Adding a computed field to a list

A compute field is a field that calculates other fields. You can use Add Compute to calculate numeric data and dates from fields on the list or form you are working with.

  1. From the list you want to personalize, click More Actions (ellipsis) and select Options > Personalize.
  2. On the Column tab, click Add (+) > Add Compute.
  3. Specify this information:
    Specify the column name to show on the list. The first letter must be upper-case.
    Specify the expression to calculate. The expression builder provides some help for creating a logical calculation but you must be knowledgeable about the type of data in the fields in order to be sure that the new field provides the data you are attempting to calculate.
    • Specify the fields you want to calculate.

    • Specify an operator (+, -, *, and so on) after each field to make the comparison or calculation.

    Select the type of totaling:
    • None

    • Total: The total of all records

    • Running Total: The total at the current point in the records

    • Percent of Total: The percent of the total that this set of records represents

  4. Click OK.