Adding or Updating Login Schemes

Use this procedure to add or update a login scheme.

  1. In Infor Rich Client, access the Security System Management application and then Login Scheme. On the Login Scheme List, select Actions, then Create (or Update), and then edit the fields described below.

    - or -

    At a Landmark command prompt, type

    secadm loginscheme add login-scheme-name [--description description] [--schemetype scheme-type] [--loginprocedure login-procedure]

    – or –

    secadm loginscheme update login-scheme-name [--description description] [--schemetype scheme-type] [--loginprocedure login-procedure]

    Option Infor Rich Client Field Names Description
    login-scheme-name Login Scheme Specify the login scheme name.
    --description description Description Optional. Add a description of the login scheme name.
    --schemetype scheme-type Scheme Type

    Specify one of the following:

    • WebUPLogin

    • OSLogin

    • NTLogin

    • DBLogin

    • NoLogin

    --loginprocedure login-procedure Login Procedure (on Login Procedure tab)

    Specify one of the following:

    • LDAPBind

      Authenticate web access based on LDAP entries stored in a customer-specified location instead of in the Lawson default location. Creating an LDAPBind Login Scheme (Single Container)

    • XRefLookup

      Stores user information in a Landmark database table.


      Allows a single privileged user to log into the database.


      Users log in using their specified database login names and passwords.

  2. Assign the login scheme to the appropriate services.