What Is the Process for Configuring SSO Domains?

To configure an SSO domain, you must configure the following:

Step Description
1 Designate the primary service for the domain by setting the --isreference parameter to false for this service, using the secadm service command. Adding and Modifying Services
2 Map the primary server to the domain, using the secadm ssodomain servicessodomain command. Assigning Services to an SSO Domain
3 Designate the login procedure for the primary service, with the --loginprocedure parameter, using secadm loginscheme command. Adding or Updating Login Schemes
4 Map the login scheme to the primary service using the secadm service command. Adding and Modifying Services
5 Map the services that will be accessible to users to the domain, using the secadm ssodomain servicessodomain command. Assigning Services to an SSO Domain
6 Configure each service within the domain (other than the primary service) to reference the primary server by setting the --isreference parameter to true, using the secadm service command. Adding and Modifying Services
7 Map the HTTP endpoint for the application or web server that manages access to this domain, using the secadm httpendpoint update command. Adding HTTP Endpoints and Assigning to SSO Domains
8 Create HTTP endpoint groups, using the secadm httpendpoint httpendpointgroup add command. Adding HTTP Endpoint Groups
9 Assign endpoints to endpoint groups, using the secadm httpendpoint httpendpointgroup assign command. Assigning HTTP Endpoints to HTTP Endpoint Groups
10 Assign endpoints to services, using the secadm httpendpoint assign command. Assigning HTTP Endpoints to Services