What the report checks
When you run the Pre-Sync Data Check, you can select the type of data (Actor or Identity) that you want to check. If you want to check both Actor and Identity data, you must run the Data Check for each type of data. Any errors identified display on-screen and are also written to the security provisioning log file.
Examples of Actor data errors that you must correct before a sync occurs are:
An actor with the same ID but in different cases, for example, "user1" and "USER1."
An actor with multiple identities on the same service (except for an OS service).
Examples of Identity data errors that you must correct before a sync occurs are:
Multiple identities associated with same service for a specific actor. There can be only one (except for OS services).
Identities that are not associated with an existing Actor.
Identities that do not have a user name or login.
Invalid passwords.