Getting Help from the secadm Utility

Use this procedure to obtain a list of commands, help on a specific command, or a general help message from the secadm utility.

Getting Help From secadm

At a Landmark command prompt, type one of the following

secadm --help

secadm --?

secadm --secadm-options

secadm --help-commands

secadm -H command

The system will respond with a list of the top-level options that you can use with secadm.

This option Will provide


– or –


A help message that includes instructions on how to obtain more detailed help.

A list of command line options. For example,

-v                Print version information
-m                Enter interactive menu mode
. . .

A list of commands that can be used with secadm. For example,

Valid sub-commands are:
secquestion Maintain system security questions.
identity Maintain system identities.
provision Provision Lawson users
. . .
-H command

Additional information for the named command. For example, the secadm -H service request results in the following response

service Maintain system services.

Valid sub-commands are:
property Maintain system service properties.
add Add service to the system.
update Update service in the system.
delete Delete service from the system.
display Display service in the system.
list List all services in the system.
tracklastsuccessfullogin Track last successful login
assignloginscheme Assign login scheme to service