Creating an LDAPBind Login Scheme (Single Container)
Use this procedure to create an LDAPBind login scheme for a single LDAP container.
Before using this procedure to create the Landmark LDAPBind
login scheme, the user structure containing bindable users must be
already set up in the LDAP directory. A bindable LDAP user is one
that has the userPassword
attribute set on it. For
example, LDIF (LDAP Data Interchange Format) for a bindable LDAP user
may be configured as shown in the following example:
To create an LDAPBind login scheme (single container)
Example of an LDAPBind Login Scheme Command
This command
secadm loginscheme add SSOPV2_LDAP_BIND --schemetype
WebUPLogin --loginprocedure LDAPBind --provider ldap://
--rdn ou=users,o=lawson --namingattr cn
results in a login scheme configured as shown below: