Framework classes

This section provides general descriptions of delivered classes that provide unconditional access to framework objects.

  • AdminstratorConsoleAccess_ST: Grants unconditional access to Administration Console. This includes access to the main Landmark Administration Console form and subforms that are accessible through it.
  • AgentMgmtAccess_ST: Grants unconditional access to objects in a data area that are required to manage agents and their assignments to actors.
  • AppConfigurationAdminCdAccess_ST: Grants unconditional access to the Landmark Administration Console tolls that involve application configurations and personalizations.
  • AppConfigurationBasicCdAccess_ST: Grants unconditional access to the business tasks for verifying configurations and clearing the configuration caches in the Landmark Administration Console.
  • AsyncAdministratorAccess_ST: Grants the access required to suspend or resume async queues through the Infor Landmark Administration Console.
  • BasicProductLineAccess_ST: Provides access to the basic system services for any user.
  • BusinessClassComputeAccess_ST: Provides general access to business class groups.
  • ConfigAdminAccess_ST: Provides access to the Configuration Console for modifying application UI components, mime types, and web services.
  • DataAreaAdminAccess_ST: Provides access to manage the Job Queue database and related objects, such as ProcessFlow and the AGS execution framework. Also gives inquiry access to security objects in each data area.
  • DataAreaAuthorAdminAccess_ST: Grants unconditional access to some security objects in each data area.
  • DatabaseEnvironmentAdminDbAccess_ST: Grants unconditional access to the database utilities available through the Infor Landmark Administration Console.
  • DatabaseEnvironmentBasicDbAccess_ST: Grants unconditional access to a subset of the database utilities available through the Infor Landmark Administration Console.
  • DataImportAccess_ST: Grants unconditional access as required to invoke data import from the Infor Rich Client in each data area.
  • DataMenuAccess_ST:Provides access to the Data Menu widget in the Infor Rich Client.
  • EnterpriseAllAccess_ST: Provides access to enterprise objects.
  • EnterpriseInquiryAccess_ST: Provides inquiry only access to enterprise objects.
  • FutureDataIndicatorAccess_ST: Grants unconditional access to the future data indicator in the GEN data area.
  • GlobalUIConfigAccess_ST: Provides special access rights to enable a user to make their UI configuration changes available to all users. Grants unconditional access to most global UI configuration actions for the GEN data area.
  • InbasketAdministrator_ST: Provides access for administrators for Inbasket functions.
  • InbasketUser_ST: Provides access for Inbasket user functions.
  • IRCInstallSpecAccess_ST: Grants the access needed to modify the Infor Rich Client installation specifications and to update the Infor Rich Client trusted certificate in Administration Console.
  • JobQueueAccess_ST: Provides access to manage the Job Queue database and related objects, such as ProcessFlow and the AGS execution framework.
  • LimitedFormPersonalization_ST and LimitedFormPersonalization_ST: Provide access for users to personalize forms and lists.
  • MobileAdministrationWebAppAccess_ST: Grants access to mobile-enabled administrator functions.
  • PersonalizationAccess_ST: Provides access for users to personalize some UI components in the Infor Rich Client.
  • ProcessAutomationProxy_ST: Grants access to Infor Process Automation for proxies when the actor matches the user profile from Infor Process Automation.
  • ProcessAutomationReporting_ST: Provides access to Infor Process Automation reporting.
  • ProcessDesigner_ST: Provides access for users of the Infor Process Designer.
  • ProcessSchedulingAllAccess_ST: Provides access for administrators who work with scheduling for Infor Process Automation.
  • ProcessServerAllAccess_ST: Provides access for Infor Process Automation administrators.
  • ProcessServerReadAccess_ST: Provides read access forInfor Process Automation administrators.
  • ProcessServerUserAdmin_ST :Provides all access forInfor Process Automation administrators.
  • ProductLineAccess_ST: Provides access to the data area for the product line in which it is generated. Always generated by the buildprod process for each product line.
  • ProductLineAuditAccess_ST: Provides access to audit logs for the product line in which it is generated. Always generated by the buildprod process for each product line.
  • ProductLineBasicAccess_ST: Provides basic access to the data area for the product line in which it is generated. Always generated by the buildprod process for each product line.
  • ProductLineHistoryCorrection_ST: Provides access to the history (audit log) correction functionality for the product line in which it is generated. Always generated by the buildprod process for each product line.
  • ProxyAccess_ST: Provides access to the proxy management functions.
  • ProxyAdminAccess_ST: Provides access to administrators so that they can create user proxies for any users.
  • ProxyGrantorAccess_ST: Provides access needed for a users to create a proxies that apply only to the roles assigned to them
  • ProxyInquireAccess_ST: Provides access needed for a grantee to view proxies granted to them.
  • PublicUserFolderAccess_ST: Grants unconditional access to some folder objects.
  • RoamingUIProfileAccess_ST: Grants unconditional access to some roaming objects.
  • ScheduledActionsAccess_ST: Grants conditional access in the GEN data area for all scheduled actions.
  • SecurityConfigAccess_ST: Provides access to the Configuration Console in order to make changes related to security.
  • SpellingDictionaryAccess_ST: Provides access to spelling dictionary tables and tasks.
  • UserAttributeForDataAreaAccess_ST: Provides access for user administrators who need access to a basic set of user attributes.
  • UserFolderAllAccess_ST: Grants unconditional access to user folder objects.