secadm report - Security Administration: View Security Reports
secadm report status
secadm report classes role dataarea [--format=csv]
secadm report userpolicy actor
secadm report securableobj dataarea securableObjectName
secadm report descriptor dataarea securableObjectName
securableObjectType [contentName...] [--printTypes]
secadm report condition actor dataarea securableObjectName
securableObjectType action
secadm report prediction actor dataarea securableObjectName
securableObjectType [contentName...] [--format=csv]
The secadm report
commands enable you to view
security information on the security system status, security classes
and roles, securable objects, and actors. The information on actors
can be viewed from a variety of perspectives, including current security
policies for the actor, conditional security, and predictions for
security for an actor.
Options for secadm report | Description |
Lists the security status for each data area, such as PROCESS_RULES, ALL_ACCESS, or NO_ACCESS. |
Lists the security classes assigned to a role in a data area or product line. |
Lists actor contexts, roles, and security classes for an actor. |
Reports security information for a securable object. The report lists, by user and role, each security class reference to the securable object. |
Displays detailed information about securable objects, including the containment structure, ontological tree, and contents. For example, for a business class, the report lists the data area and module that contain the business class, key fields associated with it, and the individual fields in the business class. |
Analyzes the security conditions that apply to the actor for the data area, securable object, and action, and presents a logical statement that summarizes the conditions. Similar to |
Lists the actions the actor is allowed perform on the securable object. In the report, Similar to |
Enables you to list or display the data in CSV format.
This option is available with secadm report classes and secadm report prediction actor dataarea securableObjectName
Print information for all types of the securable object.
This option is available with secadm report descriptor .