secadm actor context - Security Administration: Maintain Actor Context Assignments

secadm actor context add|update actor dataarea keyField value

secadm actor context delete actor dataarea keyField

secadm actor context migrate dataarea contextImportFile

Actor context values are user attributes that can be used for authorization and application defaulting purposes. The basic setup procedure is to designate a key field as a context property and then assign context values for this context property for individual users.


When you use secadm to add actor context values, if the key field for which you want to assign context values has not been designated as a context property, the context property will be created. However, the isPervasive and userModifiable fields are set to false for the context property. If you need to modify those fields, use secadm actor ctxproperty.

Be sure to refer to the administration guide for your application to determine the specific actor context settings for your installed product(s).

Option Description
actor context add|update Add or update the specified key field value (context value) to the specified actor.
actor context delete Delete the values for the specified actor context for the actor.
actor context migrate

Import actor contexts for a data area and actor from a file.

You create the file through the following command:

dataexport dataarea ActorContext -F outputfilename.xml

Because this output file will contain unique ID values, you cannot use this to transfer data from one system to another. Instead, you can use it to dump actor context data from the current system and then reload it.

actor The actor that this assignment applies to.
dataarea The data area that this assignment applies to.

The key field you will assign context values to. The key field name is case-sensitive. The key field must be a valid key field in the data area.

If the key field has not been already specified as a context property, running secadm actor context add will add it to the ContextProperty table. When a key field is added in this way to the ContextProperty table, the isPervasive and userModifiable fields are set to false for the context property. If you need to modify those fields, use secadm actor ctxproperty. For more information, see secadm actor ctxproperty - Security Administration: Maintain Actor Context Properties.

value The value for the specified key field. The value is case-sensitive.