displaydict - Display Lawson data dictionary

displaydict [-r ] [-defi] dataarea

displaydict [-r ] dataarea name ...

displaydict displays the data dictionary components (for example, files, elements, or indexes).

Program Option Description

Show data area information.


If the dbtype shown is msf2008, that value can also refer to MS SQL 2012 and 2014, as well as 2008.

-e Show element information.
-f Show file information.
-i Show dictionary index information.
-r Show in raw form.
dataarea The data area to display dictionary information for.

A specific business class, module, database space, or business class pattern to execute the command against.

Use the prefixes file-, pattern-, space-, or module- to resolve ambiguity. File names can be the long or classic name and can include ? and *. Specifying"!"anywhere in the list will complement the selected files. Specifying @path reads names from the file, one per line. A hyphen ( - ) indicates stdin.