manageasync - Manage Async Framework Configuration

manageasync -h

manageasync [--exec [l|g]] dataarea[,dataarea...] --includeda | --excludeda |--removeda [-S] [-H host] [-P port] [-v displayoptions]

manageasync [--exec [l|g]] [-e envdataarea] --defaultinclude true | false [-S] [-H host] [-P port] [-v displayoptions]

manageasync [--exec [l|g]] --showinclude [dataarea[,dataarea...] | -A] [-e envdataarea] [-S] [-H host] [-P port] [-v displayoptions]

manageasync [--exec [l|g]] [dataarea[,dataarea...] | -A [-e envdataarea]] --manualconfig true | false | remove [-S] [-H host] [-P port] [-v displayoptions]

manageasync [--exec [l|g]] --showmanualconfig [dataarea[,dataarea...] | -e envdataarea] | -A] [-S] [-H host] [-P port] [-v displayoptions]

manageasync --suspend | --resume [dataarea[,dataarea...] | -e envdataarea] [-v displayoptions]

manageasync --list --showfields | [-e envdataarea | dataarea[,dataarea...]] [-o d | a | n] -n numberofrecords [-C] [--filter FilterString]] [-a | -f fieldname[:size],...] [-s fieldname=size,[fieldname=size,...] [-v displayoptions]

manageasync --listallocated [-e envdataarea] [-v displayoptions]

manageasync --triggerstats minutes [-e envdataarea] [-v displayoptions]

manageasync --logallocations true | false [-e envdataarea] [-v displayoptions]

manageasync --loadtenant tenant [envDataArea]

manageasync --unloadtenant tenant [envDataArea]

manageasync --tenantstatus tenant [envDataArea]

manageasync --prepareforshutdown [envDataArea]

manageasync enables you to perform many Async-related tasks, including view AsyncActionRequest records, control whether you manually configure the async queue system, view and modify data area inclusion and exclusion, and prepare Async for a shutdown.

Program Option Description
--exec l | g Allows you to control how the repository is loaded. The default is g (for grid). If g is specified, then the utility uses the repository already loaded in the grid, resulting in better performance. If l is specified, the repository is loaded to the local client, which can be time-consuming for large applications.
-e envdataarea Run the manageasync command for the specified environment data area.
--includeda Add a data area to the include list and removes from the exclude list, if present.
--excludeda Remove a data area from the include list, if present, and adds it to the exclude list.
--removeda Remove a data area from the include or exclude list, restoring default behavior.
--defaultinclude Set the default system-wide inclusion value.
--manualconfig Set the manual configuration value for a data area or for the whole system. If you select this option, you will be able to create your own system queues for such things as e-mail processing without the system automatically creating queues for those things if the delivered queues are not present. That is, if you do not use this option and you delete one of the delivered queues, the system will recreate it when it is needed.
--showmanualconfig Show the current manual configuration value for the supplied data area or the default value if no data area is supplied.
--suspend [dataarea] Suspend async processing for all data areas or for a specified data area.
--resume [dataarea] Resume async processing for all data areas or for a specified data area.
--status[dataarea] Show the async status (suspended or active).
--list [dataarea] List request information - the data area will be restricted to a specific data area.
--listallocated List the currently allocted trigger IDs for the environment data area.
--triggerstats minutes Set the number of minutes to maintain statistics. Set to 0 (zero) to turn off statistics.
--logallocations Set to true or false to set the logging of allocation/deallocation on or off.
--prepareforshutdown [envDataArea]

For the specified environment data area (gen), Async will suspend async processing, set the time of the request in a persistent grid property, and then attempt to kill all active triggers. This command does not wait for that to complete. Shutting down the nodes before it completes is also not an issue. On restarting Async, any triggers that are In Progress, Lost While In Progress, or Terminated Abnormally and were started before the shutdown request will be automatically recovered. For In Progress the start time is the only check. For the other states, it also checks that the action failed after the shutdown request.

If you do not specify an environment data area, gen is used.

-A Show all include or manual configuration parameters.
--showfields Show the field list.
--filter filterString This is for additional filter criteria.
--showinclude Show the current value for the supplied data area or the default value if no data area is supplied.

Specify the sort order:

  • d = By data area

  • a = By actor

  • n = By name

-a Show all fields.
-C Display the fields in column layout.
-f Show the specified fields with optional field size override.
-n The maximum number of records to display.
-H Specify the grid host. You generally do not need to set this as the manageasync utility finds the grid host on its own.
-P Specify the grid port. You generally do not need to set this as the manageasync utility finds the grid port on its own.
-s Override field sizes.
-S Suppress output. For showinclude, will output only the raw result. Invalid for --list.
-h Show syntax.

errorlevel, tracelevel, and verbose, specified in any order, where:

  • errorlevel = {n}one | {f}atal | {e}rror | {w}arning (warning is the default)

  • tracelevel = 0:6 where 0 is no message and 6 is everything

  • verbose = whether to display exception stacktrace