manageconfigparams - Manage Configuration Parameters

The manageconfigparams utility enables you to create, update, delete, and list the parameters in a data area's ConfigurationParameter table. You can also manage configuration parameters through the Landmark Administration Console

manageconfigparams dataarea --create configID name value -t type [-l length] [-p precision] [-S] [--exec l|g [-H host] [-P port]] [-v displayoptions]

manageconfigparams dataarea --update configID name value [-t type] [-l length] [-p precision] [-S] [--exec l|g [-H host] [-P port]] [-v displayoptions]

manageconfigparams dataarea --import configID name value -t type [-l length] [-p precision] [-S] [--exec l|g [-H host] [-P port]] [-v displayoptions]

manageconfigparams dataarea --remove configID name [-S] [--exec l|g [-H host] [-P port]] [-v displayoptions]

manageconfigparams dataarea --list [configID [name]] -n numberofrecords [-C] [--filter FilterString]] [-a | -f fieldname[:size],...] [-s fieldname=size,[fieldname=size,...] [--exec l|g [-H host] [-P port]] [-v displayoptions]

manageconfigparams dataarea --listcategories [-v displayoptions]

manageconfigparams dataarea --listkeys configID [-v displayoptions]

manageconfigparams --showfields [--exec l|g [-H host] [-P port]] [-v displayoptions]

manageconfigparams --file filename

manageconfigparams -h

Program Option Description
--exec l | g Allows you to control how the repository is loaded. The default is g (for grid). If g is specified, then the utility uses the repository already loaded in the grid, resulting in better performance. If l is specified, the repository is loaded to the local client, which can be time-consuming for large applications.
--create Create a new configuration parameter.
--update Update an existing configuration parameter.
--import Update an existing configuration parameter, if it exists. Otherwise, create it.
--remove Remove a configuration parameter..
--list List configuration parameter information.
--listcategories List well-known configuration parameter categories.
--listkeys List well-known keys for the specified category (configID).
--showfields Show field list.
--file filename Perform multiple manageconfigparams commands by referring to a file. The file should have a single command line per file line.
--status[dataarea] Show the async status (suspended or active).
dataarea List the currently allocted trigger IDs for the environment data area.
configID The name of a category of configuration parameters. Use --listcategories to see existing categories.
name The name of a configuration parameter.
value The value for a configuration parameter.
-t type Specify the data type for a parameter's values. Use --showfields to see valid type values.
-l length The length for the value (ignored for fixed size types).
-p precision
--filter filterString This is for additional filter criteria.

Specify the sort order:

  • d = By data area

  • a = By actor

  • n = By name

-a Show all fields.
-C Display the fields in column layout.
-f Show the specified fields with optional field size override.
-n numberofrecords The maximum number of records to display.
-H Specify the grid host. You generally do not need to set this as the manageconfigparams utility finds the grid host on its own.
-P Specify the grid port. You generally do not need to set this as the manageconfigparams utility finds the grid port on its own.
-s Override field sizes.
-S Suppress output.
-h Show syntax.

errorlevel, tracelevel, and verbose, specified in any order, where:

  • errorlevel = {n}one | {f}atal | {e}rror | {w}arning (warning is the default)

  • tracelevel = 0:6 where 0 is no message and 6 is everything

  • verbose = whether to display exception stacktrace