secadm accountlockoutpolicy - Security Administration: Maintain Account Lockout Policies

secadm accountlockoutpolicy list

secadm accountlockoutpolicy display account-lockout-policy-name

secadm accountlockoutpolicy add account-lockout-policy-name [--description description] [--lockoutpolicy lockout-policy] [--lockouttype lockout-type] [--autoresettime auto-reset-time] [--maxfailedlogins max-failed-logins]

secadm accountlockoutpolicy update account-lockout-policy-name [--description description] [--lockoutpolicy lockout-policy] [--lockouttype lockout-type] [--autoresettime auto-reset-time] [--maxfailedlogins max-failed-logins]

secadm accountlockoutpolicy delete account-lockout-policy-name

The secadm accountlockoutpolicy command maintains the valid lockout policies in the system.

Option Description
list List all account lockout policies in the system.
display Display an account lockout policy in the system.
add Add an account lockout policy to the system.
update Update an account lockout policy in the system.
delete Delete an account lockout policy from the system.
account-lockout-policy-name Specify the account lockout policy name.
--description description


Add a description of the account lockout policy.

--lockoutpolicy lockout-policy


– or –


This field indicates whether a lockout policy is enabled.


This value is case-sensitive.

--lockouttype lockout-type


– or –


This field indicates whether a lockout policy is permanent (locks the user out until the administrator resets the password) or temporary (will allow the user to try again after a specified amount of time).


This value is case-sensitive.

--autoresettime auto-reset-time

Required, when the lock out type is temporary.

The amount of time in seconds that must pass before another attempt can be made at logging in.

The default is 600.

--maxfailedlogins max-failed-logins

The maximum number of failed login attempts that can occur before the user is presented with security questions (if enabled).

The default is 10.