cdexport - Configuration Data Export

cdexport -o OutputDirectory dataarea [Options] [Actor ...]

cdexport -z ZipFile dataarea [Options] [Actor ...]

The cdexport utility enables you to export configuration data for a Landmark system to either a directory or zip file. This data includes configuration data for applications, security authorization, mime types, Infor Process Automation, web services, and current LPL hotfixes. You can choose to export all configuration data or just selected types of data. You can also choose to export configuration data for specific actors or for the "global" actor.

Parameters Description
-o OutputDirectory Export configuration data to a directory. The directory will be created if it does not exist.
-z ZipFile Export configuration data to a zip file.
dataarea The data area from which to export configuration data.
Export Options: If you specify no export options, then all types of configuration data for all actors are exported with the exception of the replication and snapshot configuration types. The replication and snapshot configuration types must be explicitly specified to be exported. In addition, you cannot specify the other types if you specify the snapshot option. If you specify any option, then any option that is excluded will not be exported.
--application Export application configuration data (UserField, UserAction, UserRelation, UserImage, UserMenu, UserPage, and UserProd).
--subtype Export only the specified application sub type. Only applies to --application. Valid values are ActorGroup, LandingPage, PersonalWatch, RomaingUIProfile, SpellingDictionary, UserConfigurations, and UserTemplate.
--authsecurity Export authorization security configuration data (roles, security classes, role security class assignments). Standard templates are not exported.
--mimetype Export mime type configuration data.
--processflow Export Infor Process Automation configuration data.
--webservices Export web services configuration data.
--replication [replicationSet[,replicationSet...]] Export user-defined replication sets. By "user-defined" is meant replication set definitions that are not delivered and delivered replication set definitions that include customer-defined replicate fields or customer-defined business classes. To export one or more specific replication set definitions rather than all replication set definitions, include a comma-separated list of the replication set definitions to export.
--snapshot Export snapshots. This option is mutually exclusive with the other export options. That is, if you use this option, you cannot use the others.
--deletedrecords Export records in deleted status.
--status status[,status...] Export records with the listed statuses. The statuses that can be listed are "Active," "Inactive," and "Invalid." Separate multiple values with commas. You can also use the number 0, 1, and 2, respectively, for "Active," "Inactive," and "Invalid." This option only applies if you are exporting application configuration data.
--noauditlog Exclude audit and effective logs from export

Clean personally identifiable information (that is, Actor).

This will replace actor id's with a random value which will be the same for any given actor but is not traceable back to the original value

--noactor Export class-level configurations and do not export actor-specific data. (Normally, data for all actors is exported.)
--onlyactor Do not export class-level configurations and do export only actor-specific data. Normally, data for all actors is exported. Actor-specific data indicates both UI configurations for all actors, and personalizations for particular actors.
Actor Export data for the specified actors. Separate actor names with spaces. Use @global for global personalizations (configurations) and public folders.
--listcategorymap List business classes by category. Use the cdlist utility to report on the business classes used.
-v displayoptions

errorlevel, tracelevel, and verbose specified in any order, where:

  • errorlevel = {n}none | {f}atal | {e}rror | {w}arning (warning is the default)

  • tracelevel = 0:6 where 0 is no message and 6 is everything

  • verbose = whether to display exception stacktrace