batchtaskman - Batch Job Task Manager

Display usage:

batchtaskman -h

List task information:

batchtaskman dataarea [--exec [l|g]] [-C] -l [steps] [-o i|n] [-t task|--filter filterstring] [-a|-f fieldname[:size],...] [-s fieldname=size,[fieldname=size,...]]

Delete a task:

batchtaskman dataarea [--exec [l|g]] -d -t task

Delete a task step:

batchtaskman dataarea [--exec [l|g]] -d -t task -S step

Update a task:

batchtaskman [dataarea] [--exec [l|g]] -u [datafile] [-T action | stream | java] -t task -f fieldname=value[,...]

Create a task and optionally schedule:

batchtaskman [dataarea] [--exec [l|g]] -c [datafile [-T action | stream | java] -f fieldname=value[,...] [--schedule [--schedfields fieldname=value[,...]] [-z timeZone]

Create a task step (where -p value is a task stream type task):

batchtaskman [dataarea] [--exec [l|g]] -c -p parent -t task

Schedule a task:

batchtaskman dataarea [--exec [l|g]] --schedule -t task [-f fieldname=value[,...]]

Show fields:

batchtaskman dataarea [--exec [l|g]] --showfields

batchtaskman manages system batch tasks. Tasks contain the definition of the business class/task and action that will be performed, as well as the data required for the action.

Program Option Description
dataarea Specify the data area that the task is associated with.
-h Show syntax for the utility.
--exec l | g Specify the executor (local or grid) to use to run the batch operation. Grid is the default.

Specify the mode that the utility runs in. Use:

-u to update task information.

-l (lowercase L) to list task or step information.

-c to create a new task.

-d to delete a task or task step.


Optional, for list mode only.

Specify to list task steps. Requires use of -t also.


Optional, for list mode only.

Show the results in a column layout. A row layout is the default.

-a|-f fieldname[:size],...

Optional, for list mode only.

Use -a to show all fields. The default is to show all normally in-use fields. This typically excludes CLOBS and BLOBS.

Use -f to show only the specified fields.

For row layouts, the field name may be trailed by a colon and the size of the field (:size). This size will override the field's default display size.

If the size is specified here, you do not need to use the -s option.

-s fieldname=size,[fieldname=size,...]

Optional, for list mode in row layouts only.

Override field display sizes with a specified size.

-f fieldname=value[,...]

For update or create mode.

Specify the value for a field that will be used to determine which jobs are updated.

-o i|n

Optional, for list mode only.

Specify sort order. Use

i to sort by task or step ID

n to sort by task name (not valid for a step listing)

-t task Specify the ID of a task.
-S step

Optional, for delete or update mode.

Specify the ID of a task step.

-T action|stream|java

For update and create modes.

Specify a task type. Use

action to create a business action type (the default for create).

java to create a Java task type.

stream to create a task stream.

-p parent

Optional, for create mode only when creating a task step.

Specify a parent task. The parent must be a valid Task Stream type task.

--schedule Use to schedule a task. Note that within a create it is optional to specify a task.
--showfields Show the available fields.
-z timeZone Use to specify a time zone when scheduling a task.
-v displayoptions

errorlevel, tracelevel, and verbose specified in any order, where:

  • errorlevel = {n}one | {f}atal | {e}rror | {w}arning (warning is the default)

  • tracelevel = 0:6 where 0 is no message and 6 is everything

  • verbose = whether to display exception stacktrace

Example: List all tasks in name order

batchtaskman sourcing -l -o n


This Option Is
sourcing The data area the tasks belong to.
-l Indicates that a list of tasks is requested.
-o n Specifies a sort order by task name.