secadm secquestion - Security Administration: Maintain Security Questions

secadm secquestion add servicename [--active activeflag] --questiontext questiontext

secadm secquestion update servicename questionnumber [--active activeflag] --questiontext questiontext

secadm secquestion delete servicename questionnumber

secadm secquestion display servicename questionnumber

secadm secquestion list servicename

The secadm secquestion command will maintain security questions for a service.

Options Description
add Add a security question for the specified service.
update Modify a security question for the specified service.
delete Delete a security question for the specified service.
display Display the text of a security question for the specified service.
list List all security questions for the specified service.
servicename The service you want to work with security questions for.
--active activeflag Designate whether the question is active or not (true or false).
--questiontext questiontext The text of the security question. If the question contains spaces and you are using the command line method, enclose the text in double quotes.
questionnumber The number of the security question you want to work with.