secadm passwordresetpolicy - Security Administration: Maintain Password Reset Policies
secadm passwordresetpolicy list
secadm passwordresetpolicy display password-reset-policy-name
secadm passwordresetpolicy add|update password-reset-policy-name [--description description] [--ispasswordresetenabled
Yes|No|1|0|True|False] [--issecurityquestionnaireenabled Yes|No|1|0|True|False]
[--numberofquestionsrequired number-of-questions-required]
secadm passwordresetpolicy delete password-reset-policy-name
The administrator creates password reset policies that define how, or whether, a password can be reset. These policies also specify whether questions will be asked of the user and how many questions are required. Password reset policies can be independently defined and linked to one or more services within the system.
Option | Description |
List all password reset policies in the system. |
Display a password reset policy in the system. |
Add a password reset policy to the system. |
Update a password reset policy in the system. |
Delete a password reset policy from the system. |
The name of the password policy that you want to display details for. |
--description description
Optional. Enter a text description of the policy. |
– or –
This field indicates that a password reset policy is enabled, allowing you to temporarily disable a policy without changing other configuration. |
– or –
This field indicates that the security questionnaire is enabled. When a user resets a password for a service that has this policy assigned to it, answers to the questions are required. |
--numberofquestionsrequired number-of-questions-required
If the security questionnaire is enabled, enter the number of required questions. The user will have to correctly answer each question. |