secadm httpendpoint - Maintain HTTP Endpoint Configuration

secadm httpendpoint add fqdn httpport https-port [ssodomain]

secadm httpendpoint update currentFqdn currentHttp-port currentHttps-port currentSsodomain newFqdn newHttp-port newHttps-port newSsodomain

secadm httpendpoint delete [--force] fqdn httpport https-port

secadm httpendpoint assign servicename fqdn httpport https-port

secadm httpendpoint remove servicename fqdn httpport https-port

The secadm httpendpoint commands maintain HTTP endpoint configuration in the system.

Parameter Description
add Add an HTTP endpoint to the system.
update Update an HTTP endpoint in the system.
delete Delete an HTTP endpoint from the system.
assign Assign an HTTP endpoint to a service.
remove Remove an HTTP endpoint from a service.
fqdn The fully qualified domain name of the endpoint.
httpport The HTTP port for the endpoint
https-port The HTTPS port for the endpoint. Use -1 if the port is not available.
servicename Depending on the action you have chosen, the service to assign the HTTP endpoint to or that the HTTP endpoint is assigned to, or the service that you want to remove the endpoint from.
--force Delete the HTTP endpoint even if it assigned to a group or a service. The --force flag will delete an HTTP endpoint even if it's assigned to an HTTP endpoint group or service.