dbverify - Database Verify

dbverify [OPTIONS] dataarea [name ...]

dbverify [OPTIONS] --prodline prodLine [name ...]

dbverify [OPTIONS] --tenant tenant [name ...]

dbverify [OPTIONS] --all [name ...]

dbverify verifies that the database dictionary and the database definition match.

Program Option Description
dataarea The data area you want to check the database definitions for. You can specify multiple space-separated data area names.
--prodline prodLine Run the utility for all active data areas in the product line. You can specify multiple space-separated product line names.
--tenant tenant Run the utility for all active data areas of the tenant. You can specify multiple space-separated tenant names.
-all Run the utility for all active data areas.
-b or --brief Print anomalies and brief summary only (default).
--gridstatus= ID

Publish progress to grid. You can then use

managegrid getprogress

to see a list of all running programs, or you can use

managegrid getprogress ID

to see the status of this program. The value you specify for ID must be unique across the system for any programs being run with the gridstatus option.

-i or --only-indexes Only report index differences.
-l List all of the indexes and what type they are.
--mustbemissing Everything checked must be missing. Internal use only.
--primaryonly Check on the primary index.
-q or --quiet Quiet mode - only print anomalies.
-r or --report Report mode - only print summary report.
-s or --stringent Stringent mode - prints detailed listing of tables that are checked.
--showstatistics Display the time since the last table/index statistics update.
-t or --only-tables Only report table differences.

Maximum active threads for processing, for example, --threads=3. If you use multiple threads, you may see a performance improvement. However, performance depends on other factors as well. Note that a very large table will be processed in a single thread.

The default number of threads is four.

--useupgradenames Use the upgrade names for tables. Only use if directed to by support personnel.
--verbose Print file names as they are checked.

A list of names of dictionary files, business classes, modules, database spaces, or business class patterns to execute the command against.

Use the prefixes file-, pattern-, space-, or module- to resolve ambiguity. Use prefix- and type- to select files by prefix name or types used. File names can be the long or classic name and can include ? and *. Specifying "!" anywhere in the list will complement the selected files. Specifying @path reads names from the file, one per line. A hyphen ( - ) indicates stdin. Wildcard characters may need to be quoted in the command line or they will be interpreted by the command processor. A :L on a file name selects the lobs table. A :B on a file name selects the base table.