secadm passwordpolicy - Security Administration: Maintain Password Policies
secadm passwordpolicy add passwordpolicyname --description description --minlength minpasswordlength --maxcharacterrepeat maxcharacterrepeat --isnumericrequired true|false --ismixedcaserequired true|false
--canincludeusername true|false --passwordneverexpire true|false --passwordexpirationdays nbrofdaystillexpiration
secadm passwordpolicy update passwordpolicyname --description description --minlength minpasswordlength --maxcharacterrepeat maxcharacterrepeat --isnumericrequired true|false --ismixedcaserequired true|false
--canincludeusername true|false --passwordneverexpire true|false --passwordexpirationdays numberofdaystillexpiration
secadm passwordpolicy delete passwordpolicyname
secadm passwordpolicy display passwordpolicyname
secadm passwordpolicy list
The secadm passwordpolicy
command will maintain
password policies.
Options | Description |
Add a password policy. |
Modify a password policy. |
Delete a password policy. |
Display a password policy's properties. |
List all password policies. |
The name of the password policy. |
The number of the security question you want to work with security answers for. |
--description description
A description for the password policy. |
--minlength minpasswordlength
The minimum length of a password. |
--maxcharacterrepeat maxcharacterrepeat
The maximum number of repeating characters in the password. |
Whether the password requires at least one numeric character
(true or false ).
Whether the password requires mixed case (true or false ).
Whether the password can include the user's name (true or false ).
Whether the passwords never expire (true or false ).
--passwordexpirationdays nbrofdaystillexpiration
The number of days before passwords expire. |