Runtime Parameters in the ConfigurationParameter Table

The ConfigurationParameter table stores various runtime parameters. Some parameters are loaded into the ConfigurationParameter table during the installation of Landmark or a Landmark application. After the initial load of the ConfigurationParameter table, you maintain them through the Infor Rich Client by navigating to Start > Data > la > Business Classes > ConfigurationParameter or by using the Configuration Parameters form in the Landmark Administration Console.

When you view the ConfigurationParameter tables in the Infor Rich Client, you can view the actual assigned values as well as the type and length of the values.

AGS-related configuration parameters

Component Parameter Name Description

Optional. If this parameter is not specified, the default is SSOP.

When this parameter is not specified, the values are always used. If this parameter is specified, the service property values for that service will be used, if present; otherwise, the values are used.

config ags.product.line=<productline>

The name of the Infor Lawson System Foundation product line where the transaction is to be performed.


config ags.transactionurl=<path>

The path to the AGS installation. This line should contain everything in the URL after the port and excluding the leading slash.


config ags.protocol=<protocol>

The Infor Lawson System Foundation protocol. The following values are allowed:

  • http

  • https

config ags.port=<nnnn> The Infor Lawson System Foundation port, where nnnn is the port number.
config<hostname> The fully qualified name of the host where the Infor Lawson System Foundation is installed.
config The email address to send an email regarding an AGS transaction processing async failure.
config The email address to use as the "from" address when sending an email regarding an AGS transaction processing sync failure.

Async configuration parameters

Component Parameter Name Description
config async.notificationtype.default

This parameter sets a default for the notification type for scheduled requests. The valid values are 1 (Never), 2 (On Failure), 3 (Always), and 4 (Action Group).

When a user runs a top-level background action and chooses to schedule the action, the user can select the notification option and thus override the default notification type.

For invoked actions, users cannot select a notification option. In this case, the async.notificationtype.default value will be used, if it has been set. If it has not been set, the system will use On Failure if an email address was entered for the request, and Never otherwise.

Action Group is a special notification type for actions that invoke other actions. It means a success notification will be sent when the entire group is done. However, if any action group member fails, a failure notification will be sent. If an action is invoked in the background outside the action group, that action inherits this notification type but starts its own, separate group.

async async_notification_type_default_from_parent

This parameter can be set on an application data area or on the environment data area (gen). Application data area settings override the gen data area setting.

If set to true, notification information (notification type and email addresses) is copied from the invoking action to the invoked actions. That is, if a background action invokes another background action, regardless of being in the same or different background group, if this parameter is set to true, whatever notification options are on the invoking action will default to the invoked action. Whatever was specified on the topmost action the user scheduled will follow through to any nested background actions.

The default is false


This parameter allows an administrator to control whether actors will receive email notifications based on the existence of an email address in the actor record.

If a request triggers a notification and an email address was specified for the request, then a notification email is sent to that address. In addition, an email may be sent to the actor on the request. Whether an email is sent in this case depends on whether an email address exists on the actor record and on whether the parameter is set to true.

Note that if the actor is an external actor, you may want to exclude them from getting an email. To do this, use the mail.expression.include and mail.expression.exclude parameters.

config async.manual.config

If set to true in the gen data area, sets Async to manual configuration instead of automatic. The system then does not validate, create, or remove any requests for any data areas unless this setting is overridden at the data area level. If false, then configuration is automatic, meaning the system validates and creates or removes requests unless this setting is overridden at the data area level.

The default is false.

config async.manual.config.<dataarea>

If set to true in the gen data area, sets Async to manual configuration for the data area. The system then does not validate, create, or remove any requests for this data area. If false, then configuration is automatic, meaning the system validates and creates or removes requests for this data area.

config async.default.include

If set to true in the gen data area, then all application data areas are included if not overridden at the data area level. If false, then data areas are not included unless overridden at the data area level.

config async.include.<dataarea>

If set to true in the gen data area, then the specified application data area is included and records are created if not present. If false, then the data area is excluded and records are removed if present. If this setting is not present, it defaults to the global async.default.include setting. If the data area setting is present, it overrides the global setting. This value if ignored if the async.manual.config.dataarea setting is true, or if that setting does not exist and the async.manual.config is true.

async If set to a number in the gen data area, the number will be the threshold for the maximum number of active actions. Once the threshold is exceeded, the queued actions will not be placed in process until the count falls below the threshold. Information will also be logged to the grid node.
async default.number.retries

When set in the gen data area ConfigurationParameter table, this determines the default number of retries for all async actions in all application data areas. The default is 10.

You can override the default set in the gen data area by setting this parameter in a specific data area. The value you specify becomes the default for that data area.

The default value is applied when the record is saved, but if a value is specified at the time of scheduling the action, that value overrides the default.

async notify.on.retry When an async execution fails and the action was configured to send email notifications for failures, the system will send an email notification. However, if the action also is configure to retry upon a failure, the result could be many notifications being sent even though the action may eventually succeed. If you set this parameter to false, then email notifications will be sent only when the maximum number of retries has been reached and there is still a failure. If set to true (which is the default value), an email notification will be sent on each re-try that fails.

If set to true, a default queue will be created for each data area when needed. If set to false, the system will not create a default queue for each data area, but will rely on the existing queue or queues. The default is false.

batchtaskstep wait.for.async.actions

If set to false in an application data area, this parameter reverts job stream processing for job streams that were not defined to use step parallel processing to the previous behavior (that is, behavior prior to release 11.0). With the previous behavior, job steps were processed serially with the exception that any jobs spawned by a step were processing independently.

If this parameter is not set or is set to true, then the job stream processing will wait for a step’s spawned jobs to finish before processing the next step.

batchtaskstep max.poll.wait.seconds

If set in an application data area, the amount of time in seconds that the stream executor will wait for actions in that data area to complete before going into "WaitForActionGroup."

The default is 60 seconds.

batchtaskstep poll.sleep.seconds

If set in an application data area, the amount of time in seconds that the stream executor will sleep in that data area between checks while within the "max.poll.wait.seconds" time-frame.

The default is 5 seconds.

batch log.set.stats

Set this to true in an application data area to enable you to print or view running statistics for all set actions in that data area. These statistics can aid in determining if an action is doing significant work per transaction.

You view the statistics by selecting the View Trigger Stats drill around on the Triggers form.

You should only set this parameter to true if directed to do so by support personnel. To activate statistics collection, you will also need to use the Save History option for the queue.

batch log.set.stats.<businessClass>.<action>

Set this to true in an application data area and specify the business class and action in order to enable you to print or view running statistics for a specific set action in that data area. These statistics can aid in determining if an action is doing significant work per transaction.

You view the statistics by selecting the View Trigger Stats drill around on the Triggers form.

You should only set this parameter to true if directed to do so by support personnel. To activate statistics collection, you will also need to use the Save History option for the queue.

config When set in an application data area, the email address to send an email regarding a batch job processing async failure. This email will receive emails for all async failures of application actions.
config When set in an application data area, the email address to use as the "from" address when sending an email regarding a batch job processing async failure.
config mail.expression.include

This parameter and the mail.expression.exclude parameter enable you to control who gets email notifications. For example, typically an AGS failure will send a message to the email listed in the and also to the actor who initiated the transaction (if that actor has an email). However, if the transaction is from an external user, you might not want an email notification sent. By using regular expression syntax in the mail.expression.include and mail.expression.exclude parameters, you can control who is allowed to receive such emails.


mail.expression.include=.*@.*$ means that email notifications would only be sent to actors whose email address ends in

config mail.expression.exclude See mail.expression.include.
ims ion.inbox.purge.transaction.size This parameter enables you to control the number of records to process at one time when using the ION inbox purge. When creating this parameter, set the type to Numeric and then enter a number, such as 1000, as the transaction size. Use of this parameter can help avoid issues when there are high numbers of ION inbox records to purge.
EffectiveRequests async.notification.type

This parameter, in conjunction with the parameter, enables a system administrator to configure the email notifications for cases where a future effective dated transaction fails, including whether email notifications are sent, who receives the email notifications, and for what types of transactions the notifications are sent.

Valid values are 1 (Never), 2 (On Failure), and 3 (Always).


This parameter, in conjunction with the async.notification.type parameter, enables a system administrator to configure the email notifications for cases where a future effective dated transaction fails, including whether email notifications are sent, who receives the email notifications, and for what types of transactions the notifications are sent.

The type of this parameter is EmailAddressField. Valid values are an email address for where emails should be sent.

The async administration email gets notified of all failures regardless of the setting for this parameter.

If the async.notification.type parameter is set to any value other than 1 (Never), standard notification rules apply: Any specified email address is notified and if the actor has an email address, they are also notified unless inclusion/exclusion rules filter out their address.

config DocGenUseAsyncNotifyType If set to true, users can modify the default behavior for notifications for user reports. The default behavior is to send a notification when the report is created and to send a notification when the report generation fails. If this parameter is set to true, the user can specify an Async notification type of Never or On Failure when scheduling the report generation. Either of these settings would suppress the user notifications sent when a report is created. Note that this parameter does not apply to the standard Java-built reports (static Java reports) nor to reports distributed via report distribution groups. To prevent user notifications when those reports are created, you can use the Suppress User Notification field in the report distribution profile.
async blocklist_count

This parameter is set in the base environment data area (gen).

It indicates the number of interrupts that need to occur within the timeframe specified by the blocklist_timeframe parameter for an async action before it is blocked. A value of 0 will disable this parameter. If this parameter and the blocklist_parameter are not set or are disabled, the default will be three occurrences within 12 hours.

async blocklist_timeframe

This parameter is set in the base environment data area (gen).

It indicates the number of minutes in which the number of interrupts specified by the blocklist_count parameter must occur for an async action before it is blocked. If this parameter and the blocklist_parameter are not set, the default will be three occurrences within 12 hours.

User interface configuration parameters

The following parameters affect one or more of the Landmark user interfaces.

Component Parameter Name Description
config SessionTimeoutInterval

Sets an inactivity timeout interval in minutes for the Infor Rich Client when set for the gen data area. The value must be 15 or greater. When you enter this parameter, the data type should be Integer and the length equal to or greater than the number of digits used for the value.

config uiharness The value xifull enables all web applications for SoHo 4 UX. If you specify xiharness for the value, then only the SoHo 4 UX application menu is enabled and all applications will use the current SoHo 3.x UX (unless web applications are configured to enable SoHo 4 UX).
ion SendIPAUserActionsToION Controls the destination of IPA user actions (work units). The default is LANDMARK (Landmark only). Valid values are LANDMARK (Landmark only), ION (ION only), and BOTH (Landmark and ION). If you create this parameter, the type should be AlphaUpper. If you set the value to ION or BOTH, then the IPA Inbasket will interface workunits to the ION workflow engine for Common Inbox. If you set the value to ION and the application is running in Infor Ming.le, then the IPA Inbasket will be hidden from the Landmark Web user interface.
ion SendUserNotificationsToION Controls the destination of user notifications. The default is LANDMARK (Landmark only). Valid values are LANDMARK (Landmark only), ION (ION only), and BOTH (Landmark and ION). If you create this parameter, the type should be AlphaUpper. If you set the value to ION or BOTH, then Landmark will interface user notifications to the ION workflow engine for Common Inbox. If you set the value to ION and the application is running in Infor Ming.le, then the Notifications Center will be hidden from the Landmark Web user interface.
UI UIMenuVersion Set this parameter to v2 to display a simplified version of the application menu in applications for internal users. Items in the menu can be suppressed or displayed by setting additional configurable features.
UI ExternalMenuVersion Set this parameter to v2 to display a simplified version of the application menu in applications for external users. Items in the menu can be suppressed or displayed by setting additional configurable features.
UI UIPagingRequestWaitTime Sometimes when users attempt to display a list for a filter/search or paging request, Landmark takes a long time to initially load the data. To enable users to control their ability to interact with the user interface, you can create this parameter in application data areas. The numerical value you set for the parameter will be the number of seconds before users will be prompted on whether they want to continue waiting or else cancel a long-running filter/search or paging request. If the users choose to continue waiting, they will be prompted again in the specified number of seconds if the filter/search or paging request still has not finished. The minimum value to use is 30 seconds.

If this parameter is not set, the default behavior is to not prompt users ever on long-running filter/searches or paging requests.

UI UIAutoRefreshConfigurations If you have a large number of configurations, parsing the configuration tree structure can take a long time. Configuration Console automatically does a full configuration tree refresh after every update. To skip the refresh behavior, add this parameter and set the parameter value to false. The auto refresh of the configuration tree is turned off for every update. Note that if a configuration is deleted, a full reload is still triggered. If you want to reload the configuration tree, use the Refresh action in the Configuration Console toolbar.
UI UICompactnessMode Add this parameter to override the default UI display mode, which is compact. Valid values are comfortable or compact. Compact mode allows more information to be displayed on the screen at one time, which allows for faster data entry and reduces scrolling. Comfortable reduces the density and increases space. Users can enable and disable contact mode on User Settings.
UI UIDefaultSuiteHomePage Add this parameter to set the default start page for all users. The value must be a valid web application name. For example, for Global Human resources, use the value EmployeeSelfService to make Employee the default start page for users.
UI UIEnableLPLComments Add this parameter to allow comments in LPL configurations in Configuration Console. This is a data area specific parameter. If set to true, your comments in configured business classes, web apps, fields, actions, cubes, lists, forms, cards, pages and menus are saved. Use the Edit LPL (pencil icon) to enter a comment. If this parameter is set to true, it disables the Rich Client Configuration Console’s GUI editor. Additional changes will have to be made using the LPL editor. The GUI editor is disabled even if no comments are entered.
UI UIUseSingleSelectList Use this parameter to control the single select feature. If this feature is enabled, then users can select a row on a form with a single click rather than needing to select a check box or select the row and click OK. This feature is enabled by default. If you set this parameter to false, the feature is disabled.
UI HidePagePdf This parameter controls the Print To PDF option on complex pages, such as multi-pane and dashboard view page panels. The default is to enable the Print To PDF option. To turn it off, set this parameter to true. Turning it off can be useful in order to help avoid PDFs that are large and may not contain useful information.
config ShowInbasketWorkFlowActions This parameter controls the behavior of the display of Inbasket workflow actions for an application data area. If set to true, actions such as Approve or Reject appear in the toolbar. If set to false, no actions appear in the toolbar. If set to approveMultipleWorkunits, then in the SoHo 4 UX Inbasket, you will be able to select multiple items and then apply an action to them, such as approve multiple invoices.
Repository ConfigurationInvalidateEmailAddresses This parameter sets up email addresses to be notified when class level configurations are invalidated during repository startup and configuration event processing. The email will contain information on the configurations that have been marked invalid. You can enter a comma separated list of valid email addresses.
Repository ConfigurationInvalidateFromEmailAddress This parameter sets up a from email address for notifications when class level configurations are invalidated. Specify a valid email address to be used as the "from" email address in the invalid configurations email notification message.
Repository HaltConfigurationChangeOnError This parameter controls if a confirmation message should display when a configuration passes a shallow parse but causes a configuration failure during a full deep parse. When a configuration passes the shallow parse but not the full, there are dependencies that cannot be resolved even though the current configuration itself passes. The default value is true. If set to true, the confirmation displays and you can choose to save, but will be doing so with the knowledge you will cause an invalidation to occur. If set to false, the confirmation message is disabled. You can add this parameter in the application or base gen data area.

Help system configuration parameters

Component Parameter Name Description
config HELP_LOCATION_GEN Sets the URL to the Infor Landmark Technology help.
config HELP_LOCATION_<prodline> Sets the URL to the help for a Landmark application.

Auditing and logging configuration parameters

Component Parameter Name Description
AuditLogEntry CreateAuditLogEntryRecords

When set to true in the environment data area (gen), then in all data areas an AuditLogEntry business class is created and then populated with the key identifying data of audit log entries (such as actor, action, effective date, and so on). This is done only for online user transactions and Infor Spreadsheet Designer web service transactions. The full audit log entries are still created as before for each business class that implements auditing. The AuditLogEntry business class can be examined via standard database tools or replicated for analysis by business intelligence tools.

AuditLogEntry CreateViewLogEntryRecords

When set to true in the environment data area (gen), audit log entries will be created when users view a list or form or change data in the Infor Rich Client, the Web UI, and Infor Spreadsheet Designer. Note that selects do not create entries and paging a list will not create entries (only the first access does). You can also have web services calls create audit log entries by including &_clientType=UI in the URL.

The default value for this parameter is false. Also, the default is to not include the list of fields if a form or list name is available (which it will be in normal user interactions). If the form or list name is not available (which can occur is the form or list is accessed programatically), then the list of fields is included. To change this behavior, use the IncludeListFormFieldsViewed and IncludeNonListFormFieldsViewed parameters.

AuditLogEntry IncludeListFormFieldsViewed

If the CreateViewLogEntryRecords parameter is set to true and you set this parameter to true in the environment data area (gen), then the default behavior of the CreateViewLogEntryRecords parameter is changed. That is, the audit log entries will include the list of fields if a form or list name is available.

The default for the IncludeListFormFieldsViewed parameter is false.

AuditLogEntry IncludeNonListFormFieldsViewed

If the CreateViewLogEntryRecords parameter is set to false and you set this parameter to true in the environment data area (gen), then the default behavior of the CreateViewLogEntryRecords parameter is changed. That is, the audit log entries will not include the list of fields if a form or list name is not available (as may be the case if the list or form was accessed programatically).

The default for the IncludeNonListFormFieldsViewed parameter is true.

framework and These two parameters enable you to turn on primary key optimization for audit log searches. The parameter is set on data areas and is set on a specific business class within a data area.
framework include.canceled If set to true, this parameter enables the inclusion of canceled effective date records and the updating of the update stamp on future records. A framework field called "canceled" is available for inclusion in a replication so that you can identify canceled entries.
Replication include.future.correction

Set this parameter to true to include future corrections when the include.entrys.after.correction parameter is true. Set this parameter to false (default) to ignore future history corrections.

This parameter can be set in the application data area or in the environment data area. Settings in application data areas override a setting in the environment data area (gen).

Replication include.entrys.after.correction

Set this parameter to true to replicate all audit log entries after a history correction. Set it to false (default) to ignore history corrections that change records that have already been replicated.

This parameter can be set in the application data area or in the environment data area. Settings in application data areas override a setting in the environment data area (gen).

Replication include.entrys.after.retro

Set this parameter to true to replicate all audit log entries after a retroactive change and set it to false (default) to ignore retroactive changes that change records that have already been replicated.

This parameter can be set in the application data area or in the environment data area. Settings in application data areas override a setting in the environment data area (gen).

Replication chunk.size

This parameter sets the size for chunks of data when replicated data is being exported. The default is 1000000 (1MB).

This is an approximate size. After a row of data is exported, if the current buffer size exceeds this value, an additional file will be created for the replicated data. The data files will include a number, starting at 0, to indicate the incremental files. Note also that the names of the data files are based on the replication set name and the replication set class name, but that any dots and spaces in those names are replaced with underscores.

Replication json.indicator.transaction.size and json.indicator.transaction.size.BusinessClass

These parameters set the transaction size for replication sets that have the Enable Indicator Replication check box selected and are exporting the data in JSON format. This check box is only available in replication sets for business classes whose LPL implements the incremental replication pattern and sets up the indicator field. If the indicator field is enabled, it determines when records should be incrementally replicated.

The json.indicator.transaction.size parameter applies to all business classes. The json.indicator.transaction.size.BusinessClass parameters enable you to set a transaction size that applies to a single business class.

When configured for a business class, this parameter must be set in the application data area that the business class resides in. The global parameter can be set in the application data area or the gen data area, with the application data area setting taking precedence.

When the replication process hits the number of records specified for the transaction size, the chunk size, or the end of records, data is written.

Replication xml.indicator.transaction.size and xml.indicator.transaction.size.BusinessClass

These parameters set the transaction size for replication sets that have the Enable Indicator Replication check box selected and are exporting the data in XML format. This check box is only available in replication sets for business classes whose LPL implements the incremental replication pattern and sets up the indicator field. If the indicator field is enabled, it determines when records should be incrementally replicated.

The xml.indicator.transaction.size parameter applies to all business classes. The xml.indicator.transaction.size.BusinessClass parameters enable you to set a transaction size that applies to a single business class.

When configured for a business class, this parameter must be set in the application data area that the business class resides in. The global parameter can be set in the application data area or the gen data area, with the application data area setting taking precedence.

When the replication process hits the chunk size or the end of records, data is written. When the number of records specified for the transaction size is hit, the current data string is saved for recovery purposes.

Replication csv.indicator.transaction.size and csv.indicator.transaction.size.BusinessClass

These parameters set the transaction size for replication sets that have the Enable Indicator Replication check box selected and are exporting the data in CSV format. This check box is only available in replication sets for business classes whose LPL implements the incremental replication pattern and sets up the indicator field. If the indicator field is enabled, it determines when records should be incrementally replicated.

The csv.indicator.transaction.size parameter applies to all business classes. The csv.indicator.transaction.size.BusinessClass parameters enable you to set a transaction size that applies to a single business class.

When configured for a business class, this parameter must be set in the application data area that the business class resides in. The global parameter can be set in the application data area or the gen data area, with the application data area setting taking precedence.

When the replication process hits the chunk size or the end of records, data is written. When the number of records specified for the transaction size is hit, the current data string is saved for recovery purposes.

Replication enable.record.count.sync In an application data area, set this to true to enable the feature for validating records between the replication source and replication target. See Validating replication set record counts.
config AUDITINGMONITORINGSERVICE.WSI.ENDPOINT As part of the setup for the outbound connection for Infor OS auditing and monitoring, specify the endpoint. If creating this parameter, use a data type of AlphaLower.
auditingmonitoring oauth.<productline> As part of the setup for the outbound connection for Infor OS auditing and monitoring, specify the service to use to define oauth credentials. If creating this parameter, use a data type of AlphaLower.
auditingmonitoring auditingmonitoring.<productline> As part of the setup for the outbound connection for Infor OS auditing and monitoring, specify the oauth key and secret.
ion tenantid For single tenant or on-premises systems, as part of the setup for the outbound connection for Infor OS auditing and monitoring, specify the tenant ID.
auditingmonitoring logicalid.<productline> For each product line, as part of the setup for the outbound connection for Infor OS auditing and monitoring, specify the logical ID.
auditingmonitoring enabled When the setup for the outbound connection for the Infor OS auditing and monitoring is complete, set this to true to activate the use of the connection.

Miscellaneous configuration parameters

Component Parameter Name Description
config ActorMaxImageSizeBytes

Add this numeric type sets the maximum size in megabytes parameter for the actor image file. Add this parameter and enter a value different that the default of 2MB is you need a different size.

Note that if the actor record is opened in the application data area context, the value from the application data area is used. If opened in the GEN data area context, the GEN data area value is used. It is recommended that these values be kept in sync or the GEN data area has a value as large as the largest data area value.

config configurablefeaturesenabled

Optional. This parameter is created by the Enable Configurable Features action on the Configuration Parameters list. If this parameter exists and the value is Yes, the Configurable Features tab is enabled on security roles. Configurable Features allows security administrators to control user interface and Landmark features users can and cannot use.

When Configurable Features is enabled, all the security roles should be tailored to enable and disable the appropriate user interface features. Configurable features can also be viewed on actor records.

csv export.charset

Optional. Add this parameter if special characters do not export to CSV or Excel properly.

Create a parameter with Type: Alpha, Length: 20 (or large enough for the value you enter)

Value: Can be one of the following (the first two being literal values)

  • writebyteordermarker

  • systemdefault

  • Any valid, supported character set

If you intend to open the export file in Excel, we recommend trying writebyteordermarker first.

Note: The configuration parameter is cached in the user interface. If a change is made after it has been referenced, you must exit the user interface and relaunch the application to see the change.
csv hard.row.count.limit, hard.row.count.limit.TenantEnvName, and hard.row.count.limit.TenantEnvName.BusinessClass.Action

These parameters enable you to set a limit at three different levels of specificity for controlling the number of rows a user can export from a list to CSV. This is useful since exporting a large number of rows (such as several hundred thousand or more) can result in memory issues.

You must set these parameters in the environment data area (gen).




Optional. Add a parameter to turn off variable column sizing in PDF files generated from all lists or from a particular list. Variable column sizing means PDF files generated from lists allocates column width based on data type, data size, and label size. Wrapping still occurs, but larger fields generally get more space than smaller fields.

Create a parameter with Type: Boolean and set the value to false.

You can determine the businessclass and list values using Ctrl + Shift + left-mouse click. View the list and hover over the form element you want and press Ctrl + Shift + left-mouse click. An information pop up displays. It includes the business class and name information.

If the parameter is not defined, the default value is true.






Optional. Add a parameter to turn off split rows in PDF files generated from all card view lists or from a particular list. Card view lists can contain rich text fields that can contain a lot of content, so it is helpful to allow rows to split across pages.

Create a parameter with type Boolean and set the value to false or true.

If the parameter is not defined, the default value is true. However, the default for the right column still has split rows off, so to enable the right column row splitting, you should add a .right.column.split.rows parameter and set the value to true.

pdf hard.row.count.limit, hard.row.count.limit.TenantEnvName, and hard.row.count.limit.TenantEnvName.BusinessClass.Action

These parameters enable you to set a limit at three different levels of specificity for controlling the number of rows a user can export from a list to PDF. This is useful since exporting a large number of rows (such as several hundred thousand or more) can result in memory issues.

You must set these parameters in the environment data area (gen).

pdf HeaderVAlign

Use this configuration parameter to adjust the placement of images in the header of generated PDFs. Adjustment may be needed because of the varying size of the images used in the header (such as the user images named "reportfirstpageheader" and "reportpageheader" ). Also the font offset applied to the header may create a need for image adjustment.

You can use these settings:

  • top - If necessary, pushes the header below the image.
  • bottom - If necessary, pushes the header such that the image will be just above the underline.
  • none - Makes no adjustment.
  • auto - Uses "top" when the header image is left or center aligned, and otherwise uses "bottom". This setting is the default.
pdf FooterMarginAdjust

Use this configuration parameter to adjust the placement of images in the footer of generated PDFs. Adjustment may be needed because of the varying size of the images used in the footer (such as the user image named "reportpagefooter").

You can use these settings:

  • true - Adjusts bottom margin when image infringes.
  • footertext - Makes the same adjustment as "true" but also moves the footer text above the image.
  • none - Makes no adjustment.
  • auto - Uses "footertext" when the footer image is center aligned, and otherwise uses "true". This setting is the default.
TimeZone Default Sets default time zone. You can add this parameter to change the default time zone from UTC. For example, if you want to make the default time zone match the time zone of your corporate headquarters. This value can be set by application data area and environment data area.

The value should be a valid time zone as defined in the Time Zones configuration in Configuration Console. Because the value must match the time zone name as defined in Time Zones screen, we recommend changing the default time zone in Configuration Console > Data Area > Time Zones rather than adding the parameter to Configuration Parameters. See the Configuration Console User Guide for steps to set the default time zone.

framework effectivedate.timezone.basis Enables you to control what time zone is used for effective date transactions. The time zone basis can be set to SYSTEM, CORPORATE, or USER. SYSTEM will use Universal Time Coordinated (UTC) as the basis, CORPORATE will use the time zone set for the corporation, and USER will apply the time zone of the user initiating the transaction.
webservs ws.paging.enforced

Create this parameter (if not present) and set to true in order to enforce a paging size limit for web service list calls. Enforcing a paging size limit can help avoid long-running processes that can impact user interface performance.

The paging size is set with the ws.paging.size configuration parameter. If you do not set that parameter, a default value of 200 is used.

If you enforce page sizing and also specify a "_LIMIT" parameter value, the "_LIMIT" value will only be used if it is less than the ws.paging.size value, if that is specified, or if it is less than 200 if there is no ws.paging size value specified.

webservs ws.paging.size Create this parameter (if not present) and specify a number in order to set an upper limit for the paging size. If the ws.paging.enforced parameter is set to true, then the "_LIMIT" value in requests can be lower than ws.paging.size value, but will not be used if it is higher than that value.

When set to true in the environment data area (gen), business tasks can be invoked via the web services layer. This applies to business tasks that are not directly in the context of a business class, and makes these tasks available for REST APIs. Delivered actions include moving configurations from tenant to tenant, and using the configuration export and configuration import utilities, thus enabling you to automate these otherwise manual processes.

webservs ws.create.with.attachment

When set to true in a data area, the web services raw data Create action API includes the ability to add a file attachment, for example an image file. The default is false. You can set this parameter on an application data area or on the environment data area.

ipa CrossReferenceValidationEnabled

Set this parameter in an application data area in order to enable or disable validation on xref values.

When set to false, in Infor Process Automation if a user adds or updates an xref value, validation will not occur when the optional check box is unchecked, or when the length exceeds the set length.

When set to true, in Infor Process Automation if a user adds or updates an xref value, validation will occur for length and required fields.

The default is false.

Columnar table configuration parameters

Most of the following parameters are for configuring the columnar database as part of Landmark support for columnar tables. Landmark only supports Microsoft SQL Server 2016 and higher databases for columnar tables.

Component Parameter Name Description
Analytics ColumnarDatabaseName The columnar database name.
Analytics ColumnarDatabaseType The columnar database type, such as msf2016.
Analytics ColumnarPassword The password used to log in to the columnar database.
Analytics ColumnarPort The port used to connect to columnar database. You only need to set this parameter if the port is different than the default port.
Analytics ColumnarMultiSubnet Whether the columnar database is in a multi-subnet setup or not. You only need to set this parameter if the database is in a multi-subnet setup.
Analytics ColumnarListSize This parameter controls the page size for ColumnarView lists. The default is 50.
Replication columnar.logging If set to true, the replication for the columnar table will output to a log every time a set number of rows are replicated and a final line when the replication finishes with timing information included.

Email component configuration parameters

Each data area can have its own email configuration. Changes take effect without restarting.

Component Parameter Name Description
email mail.debug Set to true or false to enable debugging.
email mail.from Sets the email address for the "from" address for system emails.
email mail.mime.address.strict Set to true or false to determine whether to apply strict mime address rules.
email mail.user
email Sets the mail host.
email mail.transport.protocol Sets the mail transport protocol.
email mail.<protocol>.host Sets the host for the given type of mail protocol.
email mail.<protocol>.port Sets the port for the given type of mail protocol.
email mail.<protocol>.user Sets the user for the given type of mail protocol.
email mail.smtp.auth

If set to true, enables SMTP server authentication. For more information, see Enabling and Configuring SMTP Server Authentication.

The value here overrides any settings for SMTP server authentication in the file.

email mail.smtp.starttls.enable If set to true, enables the use of TLS with SMTP server authentication.
email SMTPServiceName Use this to indicate the Landmark service for SMTP server authentication.
email SMTPActorId If you want all users to authenticate through a shared identity for SMTP server authentication, use this parameter to indicate the actor identity record to use. For more information, see Setting Up Users for SMTP Server Authentication.

Use this to indicate the sent email store protocol to use when storing emails sent from Landmark, such as imap for Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP).

The value here overrides any settings for sent email store protocol in the file.

email mail.<protocol>.host

Use this to indicate the host for storing the emails for a given store protocol.

The value here overrides any settings for sent email store host in the file.

email ServiceName

Use this to indicate the Landmark service for sent email store authentication. The default name for the email store service is "EMAIL." If you do not set this parameter but enable users for the sent email store feature, the system will look for identity records for the EMAIL service.

Use AlphaUpper as the type when creating this parameter.

email FolderName This indicates the name of the folder in which to store sent emails. If you do not set this parameter, the default value of "Sent Items" will be used.
email StoreSentMessages.ActorID Set this to true or false to directly enable or disable the sent email store feature for an individual user.
email StoreSentMessages

Set the value for this to either a Boolean value (true or false) or to the name of an actor group. Use all uppercase letters for the actor group value and use AlphaUpper as the type when creating this parameter.

The system will use the values for this parameter and the previous one as follows. When the email is requested, the system will check if a StoreSentMessages.ActorID parameter exists for the actor in play. If the parameter exists, then no further checking is done; a true value enables the feature and a false value disables it. If the previous parameter does not exist, a check is done for StoreSentMessages. If it exists and if the value is true, the feature is enabled. If it is false, the feature is disabled.

If the value is the name of an actor group and the actor in play is in that group, the feature is enabled. Otherwise, if the actor is not in the group or the group does not exist, it is disabled.

If the feature is enabled but the configuration is missing or incorrect, the message will still be sent (providing there are no errors via the transport, typically SMTP) but the store will not be updated and errors will be logged.

email mail.<protocol> email .connectiontimeout

The socket connection timeout, in milliseconds, for the specified email protocol server.

This parameter and the<protocol>.timeout parameter are passed to the email server. For these to have an effect, the email server must be configured to use them. See

email mail.<protocol>.timeout

The socket read timeout, in milliseconds, for the specified email protocol server.

This parameter and the mail.<protocol>.connectiontimeout parameter are passed to the email server. For these to have an effect, the email server must be configured to use them. See

email address.regular.expression

This parameter enables you to configure the regular expression used to validate email addresses. If you add this parameter, set the type to Alpha make the length sufficient to hold the size of the regular expression you enter as the value.

The default regular expression is:


To set up your regular expression for email validation, consult standard resources on Java regular expression syntax.

email mail.proxy

Specify a proxy email address to which to send all outbound emails. If this parameter is not set, then emails go to their usual destinations.

This parameter can be set in the application data area or in the environment data area. Settings in application data areas override a setting in the environment data area (gen).

email mail.proxy.exceptions

Specify a regular expression to be applied to non-proxy email addresses to determine whether or not a particular email address is exempt from being sent to the proxy email address. To set up a regular expression, consult standard resources on Java regular expression syntax.

This parameter can be set in the application data area or in the environment data area. Settings in application data areas override a setting in the environment data area (gen).