Creating Schedule Exclusion Templates

Use this procedure to create schedule exclusion templates. Schedule exclusion templates enable you to quickly add a set of exclusion rules when you schedule a background action.

  1. In the Web UI or Infor Rich Client, select Async Administrator > Async Framework Components > Schedule Templates and Exclusions > > Schedule Exclusion Templates.
  2. On the Schedule Exclusion form, select Actions > Create.
  3. Specify this information:
    Schedule Template
    Specify a name for the schedule exclusion template.
    Specify a description for the schedule exclusion template.
    Exclude When
    Select Any Match if you want an action to be preventing from running if any of the schedule exclusion rules specified below match on a calculated schedule time, or select All Match if you want an action to be prevented from running only if all of the schedule exclusion rules specified below match on a calculated schedule time.
  4. Specify the schedule exclusion rules for the template. The available fields provide numerous ways to define rules for specific dates (year, month, and day), for weeks (specifc days within the week, specific weeks with the month, and specific weeks within the year), for times (hour and minute), and the schedule time zone.
  5. Click Save.