Application and Product Line/Data Area Files

File Description

Created during the installation of the application.

%LASRCDIR%\dataarea\ Contains basic settings to control the generation of the Java files for the applications in the data area.
%LASRCDIR%\dataarea\applications\appName\ Lists the modules within an application.
%LASRCDIR%\dataarea\buildfiles\applications\appName\ Created during the installation of the application.
%LASRCDIR%\dataarea\buildfiles\generated\webapps\ Properties files for each of the web applications within a data area.



Generated by buildprod (which runs within stagelandmark) during the installation of the application.
%LASRCDIR%\dataarea\ Used to store configuration values during installation. These values are then moved into the database in the ConfigurationParameter table (business class) in the la module for the data area.
%LASRCDIR%\dict/dataarea.xml Contains database information for each data area, including information about the database space, database type, tablespaces, and schemas.
%LASRCDIR%\dataarea\ Lists repository information for the application, such as branch, release, and build information.
%LASRCDIR%\dataarea\install\appName.xml Supplies the field help for the Java installer for the application.
%LASRCDIR%\dataarea\install\install.cfg Stores the interview answers when you run the Java installer for the application.
%LARUNDIR%\dataarea\db.cfg Contains database connection information.
%LARUNDIR%\dataarea\reorg\reorganize.log.somenumber Contains the details of the reorganization of the data area.
%LARUNDIR%\dataarea.randomnumber\java\ear\ Used by deployenterpriseapp.