Creating Iso Locale Sets

Use this procedure to set up iso locale sets. These sets can be used in replication sets to indicate a group of one or more iso locales that you want to include translated data for in the replication data.

  1. Select Administration Console > Other > Locale Set Setup.
  2. Actions > Create.
  3. Specify this information and click Save:
    Iso Locale Set
    Specify a name for the iso locale set.
    Specify a description for the iso locale set.
  4. After saving the basic definition of the iso locale set, on the Members tab, select Actions > Create in order to add individual iso locales to the set.
  5. For each iso locale you want to add to the set, click at the far side of the Iso Locale field and select an iso locale from the list. Then click Save, or click Save And New to save the current set member and then start the process of adding another.