Configuring Network Endpoints

Use this procedure to add the endpoints for the Landmark applications and Environment, if they were not already set up at installation time.

This configuration is normally completed at installation time. These instructions are provided for use in a situation requiring reconfiguration or troubleshooting.


If you have the Sourcing application, after configuring multiple endpoints, ensure that the Sourcing Supplier service is no longer a reference service to SSOPV2. If the sourcing supplier is SSL enabled, check the HTTPS only flag on the Sourcing Supplier service. (You can check the properties for a service with the secadm service display serviceName command.)

To add network endpoints

  1. To add internal endpoints, from a Landmark command prompt, type:

    secadm httpendpoint add InternalFQDN HTTPport HTTPSport [SSODomainName]

    Option Description

    Enter a Fully Qualified Domain Name for the internal web server.

    For example, might be the name of an internal web server in the Lawson domain.

    HTTPport Enter the HTTP port number you want to assign to the internal endpoint.
    HTTPSport Enter the HTTPS port number you want to assign to the internal endpoint. If you are not using a secure web port, enter -1.
    SSODomainName The name of the SSO domain you want to assign the endpoint to.
  2. To add external endpoints, from a Landmark command prompt, type:

    secadm httpendpoint add ExternalFQDN HTTPport HTTPSport [SSODomainName]

    Option Description

    Enter a Fully Qualified Domain Name for the external web server.

    For example, might be the name of an external web server in the Lawson domain.

    HTTPport Enter the HTTP port number you want to assign to the external endpoint.
    HTTPSport Enter the HTTPS port number you want to assign to the external endpoint. If you are not using a secure web port, enter -1
    SSODomainName The name of the SSO domain you want to assign the endpoint to.