Creating Schedule Exclusion Sets

Use this procedure to combine two or more schedule exclusion templates into a set. This set can then be specified when you schedule a background action, such as a job or set action. This can be useful if you need to use schedule exclusion rules and you have constructed the schedule exclusion templates such that they are modular, that is, can work together with one or more other schedule exclusion templates to define a fuller set of schedule exclusion rules.

  1. In the Web UI or Infor Rich Client, select Async Administrator > Async Framework Components > Schedule Templates and Exclusions > > Schedule Exclusion Sets.
  2. On the Schedule Exclusion Set form, select Actions > Create.
  3. Specify this information:
    Schedule Exclusion Set
    Specify a name for the schedule exclusion set.
    Specify a description for the schedule exclusion set.
    Exclude When
    Select Any Match if you want an action to be preventing from running if any of the schedule exclusion templates that are members of this set match on a calculated schedule time, or select All Match if you want an action to be prevented from running only if all of the schedule exclusion templates that are members of this set match on a calculated schedule time.
  4. On the Schedule Exclusion Members tab, select Actions > Create Row.
  5. In the new row's Schedule Exclusion column, click the icon at the far end of the field and select a schedule exclusion template.
  6. Click Save and then repeat the previous two steps to add more members if needed.